Jellyfin AndroidTV Client Thread

Discussion in 'Jellyfin for Zidoo' started by andy22, Jun 18, 2022.

  1. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    I'm not using any BDMV/Video_TS or ISOs but the official Jellyfin app works pretty dang well once it has cached its poster images and such.

    Only missing feature is the metadata being passed to the player like it does in HT4/5
  2. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    Quick summary of my versions, all network connections are cat5e gbit, no WiFi.

    Zidoo Z9X = 6.4.42
    Synology NAS DSM = 6.2.4-25556 Update 7
    Jellyfin server = 10.8.12-12 (SynoCommunity build)
    Jellyfin AndroidTV client = 0.15.12

    Everything seems to be running fine, External App is set on the Jellyfin client and working, I don't really have any problems to report with playback at the TV and the server still does what it needs to without fail.

    Is it worth updating anything here at all, any performance improvements or major features that might be worth exploring? I've gone through some of the Jellyfin blogs and changelogs but any pet peeves I have about their horizontal navigation don't seem to have been addressed (I absolutely hate the inefficiency and time waste that is Left-Right browsing of content).

    On the Zidoo GUI side I only use Media Centre (so any HT improvements aren't important), otherwise GUI is provided by the Jellyfin client. I do have some lower quality stuff (lower bitrate 720p content usually) that displays a lot of artefacts on screen, especially during darker scenes that I didn't previously experience with my older Zappiti hardware, is there a newer FW version that can better handle the display of scenes like this I should consider on the Zidoo side?

    I did find an issue on the Jellyfin forum reported with the newer client, and seems to be similar reported at the top of page 36 here. Is this Next Up issue still ongoing?

    Has anyone done any upgrades to specific versions and noticed anything stop working? I see comments about search on Andy's client but not on the Android TV one? I don't play ISO's or anything either, at best a few 4K movies around 20-30GB encoded files but that's it. The only problem I notice with that is fast forward stutters more which I assume is just a hardware limitation due to RAM/cache size?

    Any feedback would be awesome.
  3. Hippoponderous

    Hippoponderous Active Member

    Amen, brother!
    No idea. I don't use this feature & have it disabled.
    Nope. I'm on the latest server (Windows) & clients, & everything works fine.
    Possibly, but I've never RW or FFD. If I want to move back or forward during playback, it's usually with the incremental skip or chapter skip.
    Depends on your hardware.
    Detailed media info is displayed in the more recent builds of the Android TV client (HDR type & Atmos flags).
    UI is more or less unchanged but performance feels better for me. This may be because I've recently switched from the Syno community build server to a Windows server.
    My Synology model can't be updated to DSM 7.2 & it appears the Syno community server builds are no longer being maintained for DSM 7.1. I've tried the Docker image, but it was too much hassle. I use an old NUC as a dedicated Windows server now. Super simple & no issues with server updates.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2024
    Six66Mike likes this.
  4. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    Oooh sounds like I need to watch my NAS upgrades then, I'll look into that over the weekend. Thanks for the quick reply.
    Hippoponderous likes this.
  5. ya_boy_danny_rand

    ya_boy_danny_rand New Member

    Hey bud, that was me that reported the next up issue and yes it is still ongoing. they changed something somewhere when they went from 0.15.12 to 16 and it has persisted ever since. nobody replied to my thread over there at all or even pm'd me about it, so i don't know if i reported it in the right place or if i maybe need to report it on the github as well. i'm guessing the amount of people using a zidoo over there is very, very, very small to the point that it's probably not worth them looking into the issue. i've basically just disabled "play next episode automatically" and just manually stop and start the next episode.

    I originally had my Jellyfin server on my windows gaming pc but just built a DIY NAS Unraid Server and migrated everything to it. i'm currently running the latest Jellyfin docker v. 10.9.10 and the 0.17.4 client on my z9x. I haven't found any other issues besides the 2 i reported at the Jellyfin forums and so far it has seemed to even fix an earlier issue i was having with 4K media periodically skipping/freezing in Jellyfin. i was having to watch all my 4K media through HT4 but am using Jellyfin for everything now.

    Six66Mike likes this.
  6. jameel perkins

    jameel perkins New Member


    Attached Files:

  7. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    I'd report it on github if nobody replies. I managed to get help with a .log file problem and by the end of it was told to log a bug there instead, so I gave up. Too many channels, another account to manage, genuinely can't be bothered. It'd probably end up just getting ignored there too and passed off as not their problem.
  8. ya_boy_danny_rand

    ya_boy_danny_rand New Member

    I went ahead and reported it as an issue in the android tv github issues section. we'll see if it gets any traction there. i mean it was working perfectly in 0.15.12 and broke in 0.16.0 and newer, so they should be able to fix it, unless something there got completely borked in the code rewrite and maybe they can't fix it.
    Six66Mike likes this.
  9. ya_boy_danny_rand

    ya_boy_danny_rand New Member

    So this is the reply that i got from someone on github. i then replied explaining the issue with the zidoo front display showing time remaining and such. i still think this is a jellyfin issue and not a zidoo issue, but i feel like they're probably gonna just take the easiest path and say it's a zidoo problem and do nothing about it.

    The "next up" screen is no longer used when an external video player is used. This change was made in #2745 for 0.16.0 to improve the stability of the app. It should be possible to re-introduce this screen for external video players and we would accept a pull request for that. It would be considered a feature, not a bug.

    The only preference in the app related to the clock is where it will show (always/in menus/player only/never). There is no option to change if it shows time remaining or time of completion. I guess you're confused with a setting in the external video player or I don't understand the question correctly.

    As expected, after i explained the issue further, they punted, saying they were confident that it was a Zidoo problem and not a Jellyfin issue. so i don't expect the issue to ever be fixed at least not on the Z9X since they're more than likely done releasing firmware updates for this player.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2024
    Six66Mike likes this.
  10. Six66Mike

    Six66Mike Active Member

    Sadly as much as I expected from them. They won't look at a Trakt plugin issue either where play count keeps incrementing on a daily basis but showing the play date as the same date/time over and over.
  11. ya_boy_danny_rand

    ya_boy_danny_rand New Member

    I honestly don't really care about the "next up" screen no longer being there, that's not really the issue. the issue is that when you have "play next episode automatically" turned on, the zidoo's display bugs out on subsequent episodes if you have it set to "show remaining time" and instead of showing the remaining time, it just falls back to the default clock. so i have to manually stop each episode now, and then pick the next episode and press play in order to get it to show the "remaining time" for every episode i watch.
  12. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    anyone having issues with Jellyfin media when played via the external player feature not allowing chapter skipping? you can press the buttons for it and it shows on the OSD but it never actually skips, you have to fast forward every file.

    I could swear it worked a couple of versions ago?
  13. Hippoponderous

    Hippoponderous Active Member

    Which version of the app are you using?
    I generally don't need to skip chapters unless I'm testing, but I'm also sure it worked the last time I did. I couldn't say what version of the app it was, though.

    Whenever a new version is released, I try it in the seemingly vain hope that the crashing issues I experience will be fixed. I've found with the last 2 beta's (v0.18.0), the external player is completely broken. All I get is a black screen when I open files.
  14. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    I know that on the other side of Jellyfin Android there were some major changes to playback, so our special little version might have been inadvertently affected in some ways.

    It must be something in the way the file is passed to the internal player, because the same file works in ZDMC, using the same zidoo external player service.

    I'll try installing an older version of the app on the weekend, but for now it doesn't affect me in normal use, just noticed it when I was tuning in a new subwoofer and wanted to find some key scenes for testing how much my couch vibrates, which as I'm sure you are aware is a very important part of home theatering!
  15. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Quick note for anybody using Andy's version for subtitles support or any other reason with older players before 8K.
    It appears that the last version of the supported server is 10.9. Server 10.10 and above has login authentication issues.
    You need to add network path with the clean installation in ../jellyfin/root/default/Movies/options.xml
    Jellyfin-server needs to be locked out from upgrades.
    Zaudio likes this.
  16. Zaudio

    Zaudio Member

    Good to know. Pretty much expected something like this, and will stay on 10.9. Also stopped my upstairs shield pro from updating Jellyfin client anymore, as they try to force you to update the server there also.
  17. Hippoponderous

    Hippoponderous Active Member

    I suspect not many people are using this client, but for those who do, have you experienced app crashes with the external player (Zidoo) when stopping playback via the 'stop' command?
    If I use the 'back/return' command (press twice), playback stops without crashing.
    This only seems to affect video files. I can stop the playback of music files using the 'stop' command without crashing.
    All media is located on a NAS under the same parent directory, with the same access permissions.
    I've enquired on the Jellyfin forums, but before I submit a bug report to them, I thought I should check if I'm the only person experiencing this problem.

    Edit: I should point out that I'm on the latest Syno Community server build (10.10.3) and the latest ATV client (0.18.4). This has been an issue on several different servers (both Syno and Windows) and ATV clients.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
  18. Faceman2k24

    Faceman2k24 Active Member

    I do have the occasional issue getting out of playback and back to Jellyfin.

    I haven't actually ever tested the stop button (dont have that button mapped on my universal remote) but sometimes you cant escape the player and after pressing back twice it starts playing again untill you press back again a couple of times. that seems like a minor bug in the handoff between the jellyfin app and the stock zidoo player.

    I'm on official server 10.10.3 running on unraid, and the Jellyfin android tv app is the latest official APK, running on a Z2600 with the latest beta firmware available for that box.

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