Good morning, hope you are all well I am new to the Zidoo Community I currently have the Z9X Model. I'm going to start ripping my blu ray/4k/dvds on to a hard drive, but I do not know how to create a folder for each movie so that the zidoo can create the posters, movie info & be able to read/play the movie file. Can any of you please advise me how to create a folder & the movie name Patiently awaiting your response Fernando
Hi, I just ripped about 150 disks (mix of DVD, Blu-Rays and 4K) without a single hiccup. My process has been (lets's take "Ocean's 11" as an example): - create a master folder for "Movies" and one for "TV Shows" (if needed) on your HDD - create a sub-folder "Ocean's 11" in the main folder "Movies" - rip the Blu-ray "Ocean's 11" into the folder "Ocean's 11" using MakeMKV (this will create the file "Ocean's 11.mkv") Now 2 possibilities: either put back the HDD in the Zidoo and let the Zidoo retrieve all the informations or load tMM (tinymediamanager) in your PC, connect the HDD to your PC and tMM will retrieve the info and create the appropriate files on your HDD tMM could be beneficial if they are more movie versions with the same name. tMM will present you with a list and you can select the correct one. Enjoy!
Hello! I continue this discussion by clarifying the question: How to create files for Zidoo to create Posters & Movie Info for my personal videos (rushes) or for LinkedIn training videos (formerly Video2Brain) purchased on DVD. This only works very hard with TMM. Zidoo necessarily adds "season one" after the title, or he does not put thumbnails for each video. I pull my hair! Thanks
As far as your personal videos are concerned, I would suggest to read the following link: Guide - How to create your own Custom TV Shows using NFO files.