Home Theater 4 overview

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1296)' started by 3DBuff, Sep 12, 2020.

  1. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Hey Guys

    Not sure if this has been asked - is there a way of showing different versions of the same film in HT4 do I have to name it in a specific way ? Say how could I see Blade Runner (1982) Final Cut and just the normal theatrical version as separate or replace the AB on the poster wall
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    See attached pdf...

    Attached Files:

  3. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Thanks for that - can’t believe I didn’t know that lol
  4. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    It's one of the advantages of HT over Kodi / ZDMC. It allows you to group multiple versions of the same movie under one movie page. I have my 3D and HDR movies this way.
    You need to rename all versions in order for this to work:
    Blade Runner.(1#Final Cut).mkv
    Blade Runner.(2#Theatrical).mkv

    This does not work:
    Blade Runner.mkv
    Blade Runner.(1#Final Cut).mkv
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Mine are named as follows and shows ok in HT

    Blade Runner (1982) The Final Cut 2160p.mkv
    Blade Runner 2049.mkv
    Blade Runner.mkv
  6. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Mine where named like that but without the 2160p but HT only came up as AB - fixed now naming it the way in that document
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Didn't like to say ;)
  8. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

  9. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Your "Blade Runner (1982) The Final Cut 2160p.mkv" is labeled "HDR"
    and "Blade Runner.mkv" is labeled "Blu-Ray" in those A / B boxes as we call them. This is out of your control what labels HT is using unless you rename files it as per example above.

    You should try it ;)
  10. DaveH1

    DaveH1 Member

    Hi all, just tidying up my collections at the moment. A couple of questions:
    1. Why is there sometimes a book icon instead of a folder icon? Is that a collection that HT4 is offering as the default for that movie?
    2. In the early days I created some collections that I wish I hadn't. However I can't seem to delete the redundant ones on the webpage editor. Is there a way to do this?
    Thanks, Dave

    Attached Files:

  11. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Your "Blade Runner (1982) The Final Cut 2160p.mkv" is labeled "HDR" As it is HDR and not DV
    "Blade Runner.mkv" is labeled "Blu-Ray" Yes it is a rip from a Blu ray disc 1080p
    Blade Runner 2049.mkv is a 1080p
  12. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    This is how my duplicates look now
    IMG_0681.png IMG_0680.png IMG_0682.png
    3DBuff likes this.
  13. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    You are missing the point of how to A, B box label them properly using the 1#, 2#, etc naming convention.... which is much more flexible then relying on HT4 to try and differentiate the titles... but whatever you like.
  14. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Wondering if there is a way of doing the same to TV series as like the movie special editions ? Say if you want to insert a Christmas special into the series - at the moment I have them named like this S??E00 (?? = what ever series you want it in front of)
  15. Kaiduss

    Kaiduss New Member

    Hey guys. Hope it’s the right thread to as some questions regarding tidying up the collection in HT 4.0.

    My biggest issue is grouping seasons of TV Shows, I have no idea why but for some TV shows when I match, they initially get entered into the library as separate positions called “Season 1”, “Season 2” etc. It’s not an issue to group the seasons into a collection BUT it works differently than it does for automatically grouped shows. Namely, if I manually group seasons into a collection and I start watching a show, in the “continue watching” (or whatever it’s called) section the banner that appears is the show fanart (background picture) with the name of the show (and some random progression tracker). Now if the seasons got grouped into a collection automatically while matching, the banner/tile that appears in the continue watching section is named “Season 1” and, what’s most important for me, it has the background picture from the next episode (or the one I’m currently watching). Plus it has the progression tracker accurate for the season in question.

    Has anyone encountered this issue and do you know how to fix it? It’s been driving me nuts, most of the shows are correctly grouped but one of those I’ve been watching recently has this issue and I hate the inconsistency. I have all my series stored in the same way (folder structure): name of the series\season\video files.

    Also as a sidenote - is it possible to override the loaded background pictures for specific episodes in a TV show? For Mad Men S3, TMDB has 2 background pictures per episode with one of them being horrible quality (like 400x500) and the other one in Full HD and it loaded the poor quality ones by default…
  16. Movie78

    Movie78 Member Beta test group

    Where is the hometheater config file to edit the folder/ server path?
  17. Robo111

    Robo111 New Member

    Hi guys. Does anyone knows how to name series/season trailers? I can´t make it work.
  18. ElvisC

    ElvisC Member

  19. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    For the trailer of a season, try this (with or without the year, depending of what you use to name your episodes) :

    - Name of the show (year).S01E01.trailer.mp4 or Name of the show.S01E01.trailer.mp4

    - Name of the show (year).S02E01.trailer.mp4 or Name of the show.S02E01.trailer.mp4

    And put it at the same place as the episodes.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2023
    Mike.J likes this.
  20. Robo111

    Robo111 New Member

    It didn't work. Thank you anyway.

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