When I do my first scan with HT 4.0, does it cache that information? I am finding when I turn the unit off, and come back to it a few days later, my dashboard is blank and it's trying to scan all over again On a large library this is annoying because it takes a while to scan Another question, while it is scanning my covers are contantly changing quickly to different movies...will this ever stop? Any tips or suggestions will be great, Thanks again!
This is definitely not normal behaviour! It should scan once then any further additions are iterative. When it scans, HT creates a SQLite database on the box and depending whether you use local art or not, it will additionally create copies of the artwork in its "Poster Folder" which is defined in settings. This should always be set in a Custom Folder on the box (it defaults to being on the storage device where the movies live but that can be problematic). So not really sure why it's doing what it's doing - need more details of how the movies are stored, but in here's how I have HT set up if it helps (note that I use local art and local trailers):
Thanks! I'll check my storage settings, I think I am (or should) be saving to an attached 64 GB mini-usb drive on the device. I wanted to make sure I had plenty of storage for the artwork. Maybe there is something going on with that. I also forgot to add is that I am using a nas (unraid) with a samba share and no physcial drives with media are connected to the zidoo. It's all across a wired network to my server.