(Posting in the Eversolo thread as I don’t think this question is specific to my unit). My Eversolo has detected my library of flac files with only one issue - the handling of compilation albums. All the tags for my files are edited with MP3tag/Jriver and are in good shape. Where an album has various artists the tracks on it will all have the same album name tag, but the album artist tag will state “Various”. The Eversolo library, under albums, is showing a separate album for each track on compilation albums, each with “Various” as the album artist, rather than grouping the tracks together into one album. So if a compilation album has 20 tracks, I will see 20 separate albums each with a single track. Does anyone know the solution to this issue? Thanks in advance
I suppose the ALBUMARTIST tag is "Various", while the ARTIST tag is the actual artist of the track. If so (and I don't see any other way) it means the device doesn't use the ALBUMARTIST tag to build up the album tracks, but rather the ARTIST one... Of course you can check this out with some tracks: set their ARTIST tag to "Various".and ALBUMARTIST tag to the actual artist, rebuild the library and examine the results. NOTE: this isn't a fix (or at least, not a clean one), it's just a procedure to analyse how the device uses the tags to classify the music files. HTH
Nutul - that would make sense to help explain what is going on, but clearly would not be the right way for a library to be using the tag information to build its database. That should be using the album artist field first to identify albums, and then only using the artist field if the album artist field is blank. I’ll try and do a test with a file or two tomorrow. Anyone from Eversolo care to comment if you read this?
I sincerely hope that you use more than *one* file... at least 3 or 4 ;-) On everything else, of course, I agree. As I said, this is not a fix, rather a diagnosis...
So I created the following 3 test tracks: Title - Artist - Track number - Album Artist - Album Test track 1 - Various - 1 - Test Artist 1 - Test Album Test track 2 - Various - 2 - Test Artist 2 - Test Album Test track 3 - Various - 3 - Test Artist 3 - Test Album After being scanned by the Eversolo library, when you search under albums you find a single Test Album listed as by Test Artist 3. So it appears the Eversolo is using the Album name to identify songs on the same album, and then trying to use the album artist to allocate the group to a single artist. But that doesn't explain how I am getting individual albums for all of my correctly tagged music!!
It seems to me that each track results in having a unique couple artist-album (or albumartist-album), independently of what those tags actually contain in terms of useful information for the library. But only you can confirm. Have you tried, BTW, to actually use the COMPOSER tag, and see if the device shows it somewhere, of if it lets you search/filter by it?
To be honest I have run out of energy to chase exactly how this (not) working. Eversolo simply need to fix it!
My DMP A10 got a firmware update this morning to 1.4.01 This includes the option to Merge Albums under the "scan" subsection of the settings accessible from the "Music" window. Enabling that option and rebuilding my library appears to have largely fixed this issue. Thank you Eversolo!!!