Hi, I tried few A/V cables to connect X5 to an "old" Tv (without hdmi) but they doesn't work. I read that there isn't a standard on "4 pin jack" layout and even the lenght and size of its tip can be different...Can I buy a working A/V cable from Zidoo? Or can you please tell me where can I buy a cable compatible with Zidoo X5? Thanks in advance, Stefano
Hi, thank you! I hope to find the right cable. Does X5 always send out the A/V signal through Cvbs connector or have I to enable it somewhere into the software? Thanks in advance
Hi: you should plug out the HDMI cable, and the AV will output directly. if you could not get the right image, pls exchange the pins.
Thank you very much! Now it works! The solution is the 14 mm jack with the electric connections as in your picture ( yellow on the tip, then white,red and ground wires). Thanks again, Stefano
This is what actually worked on my Zidoo X9S (not what other threads said unless the company diagram was wrong):
Hello there I am new here, Can anyone explain why we are discussing this? Like I want a reference so I can make some contribution too!