Hi, I saw some hardware remote controlls on the market that can be hooked up to an USB port of an android device, and are also detected as an audio device, and the remote controll has a 3.5" audio jack, so it can be used to plug in your earphone and listen to the device. (actual product: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-...d-with-audio-Jack-Microphone/32247059961.html ) So, since the Zidoo remote apk is running on an android device (phone or tablet with an audio jack usually), the following question popped in my mind: would it be possible to copy the described feature with the zidoo remote and ofcourse a virtual soundcard software on the x1, or because the connection is done over wifi, it would introduce a lag, thus making this impossible? Thanks
Hi: When the hardware remote controlls hooked up to an USB port, the linux driver can identify the device,and then it news a device node, the the android can read/write the sound to the node. And the zidoo remote apk is the app stage,and the android can't identify it as sound device.
Hi, Yes, I am somewhat aware of the technology underneath, and I also know that at the moment this is not supported by either Zidoo, or the Zidoo remote app. This is why I was asking if the tech gurus of Zidoo think it was possible to develop or not: To emulate a sound card from software is very well possible, I am however concerned with the wifi link (by that I mean the whole network stack, wifi/tcp-ip) would introduce a delay, that would render the whole idea useless. (The hardware remote I have linked uses a seperate radio channel for this without the network layers mentioned above) If it is possible at all, I have no idea how much time it would take to develop this feature, (also I have no idea if other people besides me would like to see this developed , that is why I have started this conversation.
Hi: You can disable RC Control zidoo x1? My TV remote control works on zidoo x1 I use Natec keyboard AIR MOUSE NATEC EXTREME MEDIA AM30
Hi: The IR format is NEC format,and the head code is some of the TV.It very sorry,it can disable RC unless you remove the 4 file of /system/usr/keylayout customer_ir_9f00.kl customer_ir_4040.kl customer_ir_fb04.kl customer_ir_ff00.kl
hi: You can remove the ir driver,first you should remount /system(command:mount -o remount rw /system); the file is /system/vendor/modules/sunxi-ir-rx.ko