Zidoo Controller App issue

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by musiclover408, Jul 2, 2024.

  1. musiclover408

    musiclover408 New Member

    Not sure what happened, but my app on my iPhone is asking me to search for and connect to my device. I chose my model (Z1000Pro) and tried scanning the bar codes and nothing changes on the app. There's no way for me to get past this. Somebody please help as it all worked great for a long time and now I can't use the app!! Thanks in advance for the help!!
  2. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    It sounds like your Zidoo's LAN address suddenly changed. Find the Zidoo on your network map and then plug that into the Zidoo controller. If you're using a VPN on your iPhone, disable it.
  3. musiclover408

    musiclover408 New Member

    Thank you so much! Yes I did have a VPN on my iPhone and when i turned it off, the unit connected to the app with no issue. Thanks again for the suggestion!!
    audiom3 likes this.

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