What is with Zoom function? In 2.3.7 zoom Cropping works as it said - it crops picture, but in 3.10 there is some resolution change also in height - it is not cropped but somehow change in width and also in height. And BTW is it possible to manually set zoom?
I installed this firmware because it is written in the changelog that you have enabled browsing for folders via smartphone application but it is not so, if I go to the folders it only shows me bulk files and not with the relative folders, so it is unusable, also I don't understand why the tags are taken from the internet instead of reading the tags that are inserted in the file since my music library is all tagged well. Thank you
I think that this is the biggest shortcoming of the Music Player. It should be fixed as soon as possible.
In fact, it is a very serious problem in my opinion because I did some tests and most of the tags are wrong while instead if you took them directly from the file they would be right because everyone puts their own .... also also browsing for folders does not work, the navigation for artists is completely wrong, practically nothing works, too bad because I could have used it to play music but unfortunately you can't ...
Tonight the application was updated and I saw that now folder browsing works, very well, now we would have to make sure that the tags written in the files also work .... and if maybe you could enable support for Wavpack http://www.wavpack.com/ as I have many files with this format, both dsd and pcm.
This firmware, like all others for all consoles, is no longer beta, but release on the official website: http://apidl.zidoo.tv/Z9S/v2.3.10/ZIDOO_Z9S_N_v2.3.10_202001092118_ota-package.zip https://www.zidoo.tv/Support/downloads.html
Problem, happened 2-3 times so far, movie playback (different 4K HDR mkv files) freezes, then the machine reboots. Never happened before firmware update.
ditto its like back to front not a huge issue but id imagine an easy fix for when there back from hols ........