Can anyone tell me if there are any issues with the Kodi 14.2 upgrade from original source of Kodi to the Zidoo X9 box or does this box have a special Kodi version 14.1 that can't be upgrade until Zidoo posts the upgrade ?
Bitstream out does not work at all with own builds or pre-built packages ... well bitstream out does also not work properly with the Zidoo build
It's a real shame this box has a special version of Kodi as I have screwed my up now that I can't reconfigure nor remove a repository that should not be there as it is a XBMC 13.2 repo in it that I have tried every possible info on removal possible to clean it. I restored to factory settings reloaded and Kodi worked again smooth so I updated to next version and it worked then once it took the streamed version of all is working so far .
Since there do not appear to have a decent kodi in X9 (no more developpement since x6), when installing other build passthrue desn't work, and kodi zidoo not only can't play my 3D movie as 2D but my library misse more than half of my movie, quit sometime (last kodi from market work very well no passthrue). Is it possible for someone at zidoo to create a advancedsettings.xml for native player who work very well to be external player? We could had least have kodi last build from market as library.
What is the filename of nativeplayer I can put in playercorefactory.xml Sample for mxplayerfree: <playercorefactory> <players> <player name="MXPlayerFree" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true"> <filename></filename> <hidexbmc>true</hidexbmc> <playcountminimumtime>120</playcountminimumtime> </player> </players> </playercorefactory>
Deleted the old version using X9 utilities and downloaded Kodi 15.2 from Kodi TV website. Works fine. Only problem is I cannot get Hub Wizard to work. I have to install every Video Add-on manually. No idea if this is linked to me loading Kodi 15.2
I installed 15.2 from Google-play several weeks ago but did not try add-ons. I tried today and it works perfectly. Thus I don't think the reason of the issue you are facing is due to 15.2.
Thanks for the reply. Still considering if to do this on my X1 since it's working OK for me at the moment. Might backup Kodi and try if all else fails I'll reset the box.