I'm using the latest Beta firmware (2.0.15). When I'm adding sources to HT2, all the posters are shown and looks great but whenever I power off my Zidoo (even just standby), when I open the app again it says that the sources are invalid. How can I fix it?
I use several external drives attached to a hub and this happens from time to time as not all the drives are registering to the unit. They topically correct itself after a hard boot turning off the unit at the switch in back for a few seconds the turning it back on.
Interesting, I use a USB 3.0 HUB too with 3 external HDDs attached, one of them is not always recognized, and like you, when I reboot it then recognizes it again, or maybe I just have to unplug and replug it again. I don't have posters disappearance problems but it is because in that HDD I have music, series (which I don't include among the home theater paths mainly because of the known issue that it doesn't recognize many series, so my movies are not affected because they are in the internal disk and in the other 2 external HDDs.