new PosterWall to old devices

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by leonkoum, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. leonkoum

    leonkoum Active Member Beta test group

    Will have the old player (RTD 1619DR) take the new PosterWall from new version players 8K Media player (AML S928X)?
    There will be any new fw? (ok, the last one?)
    fsim2000 likes this.
  2. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Ye that would be nice if we could get Home Theatre updates - noticed that has made a version 4.2.91 that can be installed on RTD 1296 players

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
    McBluna likes this.
  3. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Wonder if @McBluna could make a modified Home Theatre apk to install onto 1619 DR players
  4. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Unless I'm mistaken, the device has to rooted in order to install it, which you can't do with the DR players.
  5. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    ok thanks - I didn't know that - I do love my Zidoo players but why can't they only push Home Theatre updates out rather than just dropping support
    crutzulee and Oldpainless like this.
  6. paresh

    paresh Member

    The posters don't seem to be working anymore, as in, tried adding latest movies to the player via HDD and the posters remained blank. Tried to rematch but the source too is blank. Moreover, the old movies too could not be rematched (was trying to pinpoint the anomaly). Is the IMDB link broken or IMDB has stopped the support? Could someone please throw some light on it. Thanks.
  7. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

    There is absolutely a root process for the RT1619/ RT1619DR series. ,

    As for why mcbluna does not make RT1619 versions of leaked apps like he does the RT1296, I spoke with him at one time and he said he had not figured it out at this time.
  8. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    If you use TMM you have the option of it downloading media art etc from many more sources. You can use IMDB as a matching source for the synopsis etc and many others.
    paresh likes this.
  9. paresh

    paresh Member

    @Netmask I'm not getting the option of switching over to TMM (how does one go about it?), TMDB is the only one available. Also, I never had any issue with the poster wall earlier, it just started lately. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  10. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    It's an app to run on your PC
    paresh likes this.
  11. paresh

    paresh Member

    @Netmask is there any other app I could directly install on my Zx9. The DB Tool by @McBluna, is it installable on the media player? Do you think it can resolve the issue where TMDB seems to be failing?TMDB search is displaying only blank posters, even for the old movies for which TMDB had successfully downloaded the the movie posters previously. Moreover, TVMD and TVDB too are showing same anomalies. Wonder what has gone wrong? Thank you.
  12. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Only KODI but I think that use the same sources. An IT friend just texted me to say there is currently a world wide Microsoft outage that’s causing lots of problems. I would try tmm on your PC, it’s really good imo
    paresh likes this.
  13. nc88keyz

    nc88keyz Active Member

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