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Low Ftp speed from and to Zidoo x9s

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by failax, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. failax

    failax Member

    I have pc windows and Asus Router ac68U, when I try to copy files to and from zidoo the speed is 5/6 mbs, my ethernet ports are all 1 gbs.
    What's wrong?
  2. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    try samba not FTP for local transfer, ftp only for transfers over internet ( where the speed is capped by your internet contract )
  3. failax

    failax Member

    I want to transfer files with Samba from my windows pc to external disks attached to zidoo, i search in windows explorer x9s, it is found as openwrt, if i click on it opens the web ui of openwrt.
    I'm doing something wrong?
  4. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    so far no. connecting to the box ip in a browser will open the openwrt software interface, there you set up the samba share. see tips and tricks topic , number 4 i think.
  5. failax

    failax Member

    I configured everything even the fix in the template, but speed keeps going at 5/6 mbs.I must say windows pc is connected to zidoo through powerline.Internet speed of the connection with Powerline is about 32mbs, with direct connection is 190 mbs.But as you say with Samba the lan speed would be 1 gbs, if everything has that connection.

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