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HT4 Ignoring Director in Name File

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by RandomUsername, Jan 27, 2023.

  1. RandomUsername

    RandomUsername New Member

    Hello, I have run into a little problem with naming my movie files.
    Usually I name everything with FileBot using the very simple "Movie (year)" scructure, that's all I need for HT4 to correctly recognize them.

    The problem is that today I added a movie called Spider from 2002 (IMDb = tt0278731), which HT4 matches as Spider-Man since it came out the same year.
    To circumvent this I tried doing "Movie (year, Director)" but nothing, HT4 still thinks it's Spider-Man.
    What can I do to let HT match the correct title? I would like to avoid manually re-matching inside HT as that becomes a pain to do if/when I have to re-add my collection from scratch.

    (I've also tried different structure variations already, like moving the director name around, put it in its own brackets, adding TMDb ID number, genre, still nothing)
  2. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    If you haven't already tried, call it
    Spider (2002) both the folder and the file. If it still gets it wrong try rematching and generally a selection of similar tiles via a series of posters come up. Select the correct one...

  3. RandomUsername

    RandomUsername New Member

    Still no match even with the folder called "Spider (2002)" or "Spider (2002, David Cronenberg).
    I guess a manual re-match is the only solution when there's a conflict like this then.
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Too many titles with 'spider' in them so manually rematch would seem to be the only solution
    RandomUsername likes this.
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I created a dummy mkv file and indeed up comes Spider Man however rematching solved the problem. the *real* Spider movie is the 18th down on the list .
    Screenshots from the webUI interface

    spider01.JPG spider02.JPG
  6. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    It should find the correct movie when you put in tt0278731 as searching title.
  7. RandomUsername

    RandomUsername New Member

    Still nothing unfortunately.
    As "Spider (2002) tt0278731" it still matches as Spider-Man, so I also tried completely removing the title and doing "tt0278731 (2002)" and by doing that it just goes to the Unmatched folder.
  8. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    Try it only with the IMDb id, without the year in brackets. One different character can lead to a unmatch.
  9. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    It took me 3 minutes to match as I suggested. There are simply too many titles with spider. As I remarked it was buried 18 down. As you can see in the image I simply named it Spider (2002).MKV The file has a simple name matching it as it appears in IMDB and TMDB. I don’t believe any system will be 100% accurate and the rematch facility works.
  10. badboyxx

    badboyxx Member

    My advice was to type in the IMDb id instead of the movie title in the rematch screen. This way it should find the correct movie.
    xskip likes this.
  11. RandomUsername

    RandomUsername New Member

    I appreciate the help, but I never had a problem matching the movie manually inside HT4, that works fine and it's not the issue I'm trying to solve, it's not my first rodeo with a Zidoo product.
    As I explained in the original post though, I always try to avoid doing the manual method and I was trying to find a different file format expression that would result in a correct automatic match.
    It would be pretty simple if HT just took in consideration another identifier while doing the automatic match, like the director or ID, then it wouldn't matter how many movies there are with a similar name, but I guess that's not the case and as a last resort, manual match it is then.
  12. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Different philosophies - I like to keep the original files with simple English or <insert language> names and avoid suffixes or technical attachments etc after the normal everyday name of the movie. As a life long problem solver I try hard to follow the Keep it Simple principle or find a simple workaround. In this case HT should maybe in their logic do a search for the first name in a compound or group of names in a title. So Spider would be the first "cab off the rank" then Spider + whatever. I look forward to the upcoming firmware that I hope will fix the ludicrous cast and directors scraped for TV series at the moment. BTW there are 5 movies since 1940 called Spider or The Spider and 34 with Spider followed by another descriptor like Web, Flower, Man....
  13. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    TMDB API get 325 titles for search Spider, same like web search.
    Spider — The Movie Database (TMDB) (themoviedb.org)
    TMDB not support search with year
    The Movie Database API (themoviedb.org)
    I try some workaround for Spider-Man as has smaller result 58, but not luck.
    Spider-Man — The Movie Database (TMDB) (themoviedb.org)
    Spider-Man 2002 — The Movie Database (TMDB) (themoviedb.org)
    Spider-Man (2002) — The Movie Database (TMDB) (themoviedb.org)
    LE: Solution from Temearoo , for search on the web result 6, thanks to for tip.
    Spider-Man y:2002 — The Movie Database (TMDB) (themoviedb.org)
    Solution is to add an process to rematch for year in JSON API replay.
    API accepted too &query=spider-man&year=2002, probably I miss reading somewhere in documentation.

    Zidoo Team improved AI match over years on HT 3/HT 4 but are titles with multiple year are still problematic for better results is to use NFOs files with IDs inside and set on HT setting Priority for NFO to get correct match.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
    RandomUsername likes this.
  14. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    We can search a movie with year on the website : spider y:2002

    They should implement this in the API if it's not already there.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
    pcristi likes this.
  15. xskip

    xskip Active Member

    do this. it works.
  16. RandomUsername

    RandomUsername New Member


    This is the correct answer. I exported an NFO file from FileBot and finally HT correctly matched the movie automatically.
    From now on I'll just create an NFO file for everything to avoid any potential issues. Thank you again.
    pcristi likes this.

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