I have rather succesfully scraped my movies in HT4 on my Z9X. All my infos are in the Dutch language, including the genres. After I tried ZDMC I discovered all the genres in HT4 in two languages; English and Dutch. So "Aktie" as well as "Action". So far I didn't found a way to remove the genres in English. Even after removing ZDMC from the apps, the English described genres persist in HT4. How can I get rid of them?
When you go to Settings --> Language --> Others, you can set Dutch as the standard language. TMDB will then scrape the movie info in Dutch.
In the earlier version of HT on Zidoo X10 I had covers and information about films in Polish. Now there is no Polish in the statutes. I chose English but it's a pity the lack of my language. Well, unless I'm doing something wrong ...