Hi there, I searched a lot but didn´t find a real answear. Is there a way to force the scraper to look after the IMDb ID in the filename automatically and ignoring the rest of the filename? I tried following example "testtitle 1234 [tt0362120]" what should get information for "Scary Movie 4" for example. I often don´t want the "native" title because I know the film under another name, so I want to enter an "individual" filename here and there but want the right poster automatically I found on IMDb. So is there a way to force the scraper to go for the ID that is in the filename, ignoring the rest of the filename? Is there a special syntax defined/needed for that? Thanks and regards, Roland.
Maybe you can rematch it and type IMDB ID in search box. Maybe we will add this feature in the next version. Judge a string that starts with TT, and use IMDB first for matching