Easy way to re-scrape metadata in the home theater

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Nosirrahdrof, Oct 5, 2024.

  1. Nosirrahdrof

    Nosirrahdrof New Member

    I've been fighting with this for quite some time. I have stand alone meda files (no local .nfo or anything) and the hometheater will simply not pull information from TMDB or TVDB for some episodes.

    I have manually rematched series and episodes several times, yet I am unable to make the hometheater dispay actors, title, description, etc. It will just list the episodes as "Episode 8" for example.

    I see references to a "refresh metadata" option in other forum posts, but that does not appear on any piece of media in my collection (TV shows, TV Seasons or Movies). I am on the most current version of software that is available through the online update utility.

    Has anyone ran into this issue before? I feel like i'm missing something very simple.
  2. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    How do you name your files? An example of a TV series and episodes. A movie or two.
  3. Nosirrahdrof

    Nosirrahdrof New Member

    The file names are not ideal, which does cause some mismatches and unsourced items.

    Movies I manually correct and the internet metadata is correctly applied.

    What seems to be happening here is that the initial season is created when the 1st episode (or 2nd or 3rd episodes are released) at once. These initial episodes are matched correctly and the normal tmdb data is applied. The subsequent weekly episodes are added to the season and simply not scraped with the tmdb data. This is true even after rematching.

    I just found out I can remove the files from the scanned source, rescan (which takes quite some time). Then re add them to the source once the season is finished and the remaining episodes will scrape the metadata correctly after yet another full rescan.

    A simple refresh metadata function would really help here, and I feel like I'm missing something in regard to that.
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    It's all about naming. Give some examples as requested.
  5. Nosirrahdrof

    Nosirrahdrof New Member

    I guess I disagree. Are you able to explain why manual matching does not work, yet doing the "Plex dance" does while leaving the file names unchanged.

    The following is an example of a standard episode.

    Show name (year) SxxExx (format info).mkv
  6. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    For TV eps it’s for example The Expanse S01E01 (2015).MKV. Ep title not needed and if it happens to be the same name as a movie or another tv program can confuse matching. No need for technical data as HT uses MediaInfo. Matching for me is almost instantaneous.

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