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Changing from dhcp to static with x6 pro (no possible to save dns data)

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by PierTS, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. PierTS

    PierTS New Member

    I have a problem. I would like to change my x6 pro from dhcp to stati and consequently set primay dns and secondary dns. Main problem is that i haven't save option enabled. i can set my wifi connection only in DHCP mode... other devices that are logged on that wifi network can change dns manually easly. Notebook, other devices etc...only x6pro give me problems...it's related to root permission ? 'cause i use it like farm settings.
  2. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    So, just setup your local gateway/router to always assign the same IP to your X6 PRO or other devices on your LAN and leave them configured for DHCP.

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