Cant transfer files bigger than 4.2GB from Mac OS to Zidoo Z20 Pro internal drive

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by racesmore, Feb 1, 2024.

  1. racesmore

    racesmore New Member


    Im having a few problems with my new Z20 Po. The learning curve seems so steap.

    One problem:
    I cant transfer files from Apple Mac OS to Zidoo Z20 Pro internal drive bigger than 4.2GB. Ive installed a disk into the internal drive drive slot. Ive formatted the drive, trying both disk formats, but I always have a problem transfering files to the drive from my Apple Mac that are larger than 4.2GB. The transfer just stops and gives an error. Theres nothing wrong with the files. I can play the file from another source, left on my mac shared folder. I want to reduce network useage and want to play from the internal drive of the Z20 PRO.

    Can anyone help me?
    Thank you.
  2. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    is drive formatted to ntfs ?
    isnt around 4 gigs the limit for files in fat 32 format ?
    racesmore likes this.
  3. racesmore

    racesmore New Member

    I had the drive formated as FAT32 - yes, correct, there is a 4GB file limit
    Its now formatted as NTFS, but there is another problem: I can connect to the drive & copy files there, but it is acting like a drop box share. I dont see the contents of the drive. from my mac it is empty, but viewing the hd on the zidoo i see all the files.
  4. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    far as i know ,that issue of not seeing data transferred over ,from the pc end is an issue on earlier f/w ,ie .52 ,and has been fixed in the later releases

    have you updated to .75 f/w yet ,if not a lot of issues will be fixed

    D/l the zip file for your device type in the .75 firmware thread at top of this forum section

    you can place the zip on to a usb stick and plug that in to the zidoo then go to About ,on Home screen and update ,pointing to the .75 f/w
    or place it in to a folder you can see from the zidoo to your PC
    racesmore likes this.
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Don't unzip the file btw just put the zip file as is on a USB stick and Zidoo takes care of it
    racesmore likes this.
  6. racesmore

    racesmore New Member

    GREAT !!

    17.Optimized the issue of incomplete file display in NTFS hard disk SMB sharing.

    THANK YOU :)

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