
Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by Matte7, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. Matte7

    Matte7 New Member

    Hi everybody, I'm a noob of this device, so I have to ask a question:
    Why broadcasting in "Unicast" mode works perfect and in a very fluid way while in "Broadcast" mode is very unstable and full of pixelation?
    There is something I can do to have the same definition in Broadcast mode?

  2. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    Broadcast will flood your network unless you router support broadcasting settings. Only top of the line router may have those settings. In home router you can reduce that flood with some settings ( google for specific settings of your router) but no waranty of success.
  3. Matte7

    Matte7 New Member

  4. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    Depend of what type of broadcast, if it is casting on demand it is different. Broadcast on network is broadcasting to all possible ip on it. Multicast will cast to some ip... I did not use the app you refered but glad it fullfill your needs.

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