Hello, Im sorry I posted this last week in the wrong forum, without success. Hopefully someone here can help here. I have a problem with using Apple airplay. I dont know if its a problem with my computer or a problem with the Zidoo z20 Pro. I have a local library of music on my computer, an Apple Mac using the Music app (iTunes). In the Airplay menu on the top right of the Music app window, i see my mac and also the Z20 PRO. When i select the zidoo it gets stuck on the connection & fails, giving an error message: "The AirPlay device “Z20 PRO(Home theater)” cannot be found on your network. Please verify your network settings and AirPlay configuration or select another device." I have found a workaround. I can go into the system preferences and select in the Sound pref the sound output to the Z20 PRO, and then it plays from the music app to the zidoo. Also another solution, on my iphone, in the Music App I can select the Z20 PRO as the Airplay speaker, but my phone doesnt have the full library as my mac has. Ideally, i would like to be able to select the Z20 Pro as the Airplay speaker from the Music App on my mac. Its just the simplist. Has anyone else found a solution to this? One last idea: using Plexamp on the Z20, is that even possible, just to search and play my music? Thanks.
an update: Ive installed the PlexAmp APK onto my Zidoo Z20 Pro, but when i open the PlexAmp app, it closes after the logo comes on screen. Is there anything I can do fix the app working?
PlexAmp doesnt support AndroidTV properly let alone the unusal hardware of a Zidoo. Even if you could get it running it would lock you to 48khz resampling like all third party android apps. I'd suggest trying Kodi or ZDMC (Zidoos Kodi Fork), might still force resampling though. or if you run something like Homeassistant you can run a service to convert airplay to Chromecast which can make things more compatible in some cases.