So i added an Album through SMB which takes for ever to send, then does an update which is a complete new scan which for me with 4000 albums is over an hour. Why?
I notice in the IOS app, there is a Update and Scan option but only Scan is available in the Android app. My collection is small, so can't sense any difference. Lol
Complete scan will delete all present library data, it basically wipes everything and starts all over. Update look like rescan ( percentage display do 0.0%) but it just scan for changes. So are you sure that is it the thing that your unit does?
yes i click update rescan and percentage starts at 0.0 and moves slowly after 15min i switched unit off not waiting should take no more then 5minutes thats what my rasberry pie does running LMS. Now i am using internal SSD and not external USB drive like on the rasberry pi.
4000 albums may take a while I guess. But before recent firmware update, library update process was little faster.
so updated to latest firmware 1.7.75 not solve any of my issues. basically you click update just timed this, takes over an hour to finish. you click rescan takes same length of time so rescan is the same as update. my albums are in the eversolomusic folder which it creates, then inside i have Eversolo/CD/seperate folders with albums inside Eversolo/SACD/sepearte folders with albums inside E.T.C does the above cause the issues?