Has support for the X1 ceased?

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X1' started by blazer, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. blazer

    blazer Member

    I've noticed that since the arrival of the X6 that support for the X1 seems to have practically vanished.

    Has the product been abandoned, or if not, can users get a progress report on what is being done to further the functionality and bug fixes on the X1?
  2. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    Actualy Zidoo X6 just drop on market and it is normal to have a slow down with other devices. When X6 become mature (I mean when real bugs fix) we can expect Zidoo team to resume there work with other device. I thruly thrust them with continuing service on all device.
  3. blazer

    blazer Member

    I personally would not consider it normal to have a slow down on other devices, especially those that are also very new, like the X1.

    It doesn't give a good impression to those that have paid out good money for a product that is far from working as it was advertised.

    It makes people think that they have been abandoned because the new kid is on the block and questions the scope of support that is in place.
  4. spring

    spring Guest

    Hi all:
    we will update the bug.and the first, we will hope you to be able to put more of the need to improve.A mature product, long time to update some of the naturally.
  5. blazer

    blazer Member

    2 months and 4 days now since the last firmware update.

    I'd say that support has been dropped in favour of the X6 for sure.

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