Listen to music with tv screen off or faded

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by prmac, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. prmac

    prmac New Member

    I downloaded the Slacker Radio app to listen to music. I have a Panasonic Plasma TV hooked up to my X6 so burn-in is a concern. When listening to music from my Blu-ray I can just turn off the TV but when I do the same with the TV Box the music pauses. I have put a setting on my TV for as low a contrast and brightness I can but still worry with a stagnant picture. Does anyone have any suggestion?
  2. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    You might be able to turn off the HDMI Consumer Electronics Control in your TV settings. If not, then go to Android Settings > Display > Daydream, enable it, open the three dot menu, and select "Start now" whenever you want to avoid image burn in.
  3. prmac

    prmac New Member

    Hi Harlan,
    My TV doesn't have the HDMI control but the day dream works well. Thanks.
  4. spring

    spring Guest

    you can turn on the screen save.
    cyber7 likes this.

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