Zidoo Home Threater adding SMB shares

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by DragonFly, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. DragonFly

    DragonFly Member

    So I did a little experimenting with the new app just for testing purposes and though its seems promising, it seems a bit tedious adding shares.

    The inputbox is a little small, while the screenspace is enough. Adding something like // keeps getting me errors, while // does not.

    Why not have the app BROWSE a shared device like the Explorer app does and add a share that way?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  2. jbv

    jbv Member

    Hi DragonFly,

    This is not a bug or fault with the X6pro, it is the way that SMB networking works.
    The client (your X6pro) can only attach to the "point" that is "shared", which is why it can connect to the machine at and then attach to the resource being shared as "G".

    Another way you could do what you want, would be to share "G:\Movies\New" as "NewMovies", then you could attach to //192/168.1.10/NewMovies

  3. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    For share must have "/" at the end.
  4. DragonFly

    DragonFly Member

    I think you misunderstood.

    It's the way the user has to manually input a share in a rather small inputbox. The share or mountpoint itself (when entered and found) is just an text entry in .db in the \data dir of the app.

    This can be made easier like the explorer app does. This app also adds SMB shares. Have the user browse his LAN, find the appropriate attached devices and subsequently add the needed share. The app would then be responsible for adding the entry in its database. This way the user can forget all about syntaxs and have the app do the dirty work
  5. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Dragonfly, I full agree with you.
  6. DarkCinema

    DarkCinema Member

    So what syntax should I use to enter it in the Zidoo app:
    //<IP SERVER>/<SHARE> is not working.

    Never mind, made some typo's. It's hard to enter in such small window.

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