New Streamer

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by RTStream, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    Hello people!
    (Title should have been “New To Streaming”

    Being a bit of a dinosaur I’ve always used CD’s or vinyl. I recently upgraded all my 2 channel audio kit with the inclusion of a Bluesound Node. Long story about the streamer but I now would much rather have a Eversolo.

    The question is, too you who might know the Node,
    Is it a worthwhile swap?

    Is the DMP-A6 going to put a bigger smile on my face! Would it be worth it?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
  2. EricR

    EricR Member

    Long story short, it depends. Do you have an external dac? How resolving is the rest of your equipment? How do you like the Node's interface?
  3. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    I would be using the DAC in my Michi X3 and into Monitor Audio Gold 300’s. A fairly decently resolving set up I think.

    I don’t mind the Node’s interface at all but here’s the thing. I had bought a streaming amp along with the speakers, an Arcam SA30, which turned out to be rather buggy. I returned it for the Michi but I got very use to the Arcam displaying all the music information. The Michi, not being a streaming amp, shows nothing.
    So I see the Eversolo and its great looking display and I’m thinking that would be a nice piece of kit.

    I’ve gone over all the YouTube reviews and read up on it but I would still like more opinions. In particular from anyone who knows them both.
  4. EricR

    EricR Member

    I think you'll love it then. Use it with the Michi.
  5. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    Thanks EricR. Good to know.
    What are you using? Amp? DAC? And which output do you find sounds the best?
  6. EricR

    EricR Member

    I'm running a coaxial out of the A6 into a Chord Hugo TT2/M-Scaler, balanced cables to a Schiit Freya+ preamp, balanced to a Bryston 4BST amp. I avoid USB like the plague. Coaxial works well with my DAC.
  7. RTStream

    RTStream Member

  8. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    I had a Bluesound Node a few years back and did not care for it. The biggest issue was that I had to convert my SACD rips to FLAC as the Node does not support DSD. Then I bought a WiiM Mini and Pro which are still in use. Then I heard about the DMP-A6 and after a lot of research bought a used one.

    It was a bit of a learning curve but it's working fine now. The biggest issue were dropouts with Qobuz and files from internal and attached hard drives. It was suggested I connect an ethernet cable to the DMP-A6. I didn't think it would help as my wifi is excellent (multi eero mesh system). Well using ethernet solved the dropout issue totally. I'm using the DMP-A6 as a transport with the USB output to the USB-DAC input of a Marantz SA-KI Ruby CD/SACD player.

    The DMP-A6 works quite well without any issues. I like the Eversolo app, internal SSD (4TB in place) USB output, display and HDMI output to play multichannel files. Whether buying new or used the DMP-A6 is an excellent well featured streamer. It's easily one of the best components I've bought in a long while.
    Gil Fuhrer, Purité Audio and Jjb067 like this.
  9. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    Thanks Bill. I think the main thing for me will simply be streaming Tidal and some internet radio stations when I just need some background ambience. As I stated above my main reason for upgrading a 3 week old Node is for the display, which I miss from the Arcam. I’m sure I will get into the other bells and whistles which are available in the Eversolo.

    My main concern is that it at least sounds better than the Node as far as the streaming quality goes. That will make my decision easier.
    Bill Mac likes this.
  10. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    So I did pick up the DMP-A6. So far I am really pleased with it. The first thing I found was a noticeable improvement in the sound stage. So far that's the biggest improvement. In general it does seem like it's a better sounding streamer. It does seem to be more "open"? The highs are better controlled. I don't know if that's a placebo effect or not, either way I am enjoying it more than the Node. And the display is brilliant! I am really liking the options.
    I'm glad I upgraded.
  11. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    Glad that you're enjoying the DMP-A6. I think it's a big upgrade over the Node especially in regard to the feature set. I honestly don't get the love for the Node. The short time I had the Node in my system it was more frustration than enjoyment. Although there was a bit of a learning curve with the DMP-A6 as well. But once I was familiar with the feature set and operation it's been a pleasure to use.
    Peter Wallop likes this.
  12. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

  13. Peter Wallop

    Peter Wallop Active Member

    I had a Node2 & 2i. There’s no way that I would go back - not only the SQ, but the A6 is far more stable - constant problems with the Bluesound. The only frustration that remains for me is losing playlist cover art on restart (still hoping for this to be remedied in the fabled next update!), but this is a minor gripe.

    Whilst I’m still on my speaker upgraditus quest, as a basic user, I suspect that I’ll stick with the A6 as a source until it (or I!) give up the ghost.
    Alan Rutlidge likes this.
  14. Alan Rutlidge

    Alan Rutlidge Well-Known Member

    I have a customer that I rebuilt three DIY Nelson Pass F3 power amps he has. He has (maybe not anymore) a Bluesound Node 2 and every time he wanted to demo his system to me it would ether fail to play the track(s) or would stop halfway through them. I never got to discover what the issue really was but he said it did it more often than not. It might have been an issue with his router or perhaps some settings in the Bluenote but it wasn't my place to comment and he never asked me to look into what might have been causing his grief.
  15. Alan Rutlidge

    Alan Rutlidge Well-Known Member

    For what it's worth I always advise potential buyers of any bit of audio gear to try to find a dealer that is willing to loan you the device for a few days or over the weekend to see (hear) if you like it.
    IME, YouTube reviews are sometimes good for an overview of a product's features but only you will know if it sounds good to you and performs harmoniously with the other components in your existing system. One only has to spend a few hours reading subjective comments in this forum alone to quickly discover very diverse opinions about the sound quality and ease of use of the features of the DMP-A6, DMP-A6ME and the DMP-A8 as standalone streamers with or without an external DAC in the equation.

    One thing to be mindful of especially about YouTube reviews. Not all YouTubers declare that the review is unsponsored. YouTube requires creators to tick a box at upload declaring if they have received any benefit from reviewing the product such as they get to keep it after reviewing it, they get paid a fee to review it or some other kickback. This causes a banner to appear at the beginning of the video that says it's a paid promotion. If a review is sponsored in any fashion or form then I generally take what the reviewer says about sound quality with a pinch of salt. Let's face it, if a company sends you a $1,000 product and says you can keep it after a favourable review wouldn't you for making a 15 minute talking head effort? Even if you really hated it, it's still your property to sell and get some cash for.
    Nutul, Bill Mac and surr3a1 like this.
  16. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    It’s been several days now and I must say I am liking this streamer more and more as I play with it. So far the only very small complaint I have is that it seems to loose its casting connection often.
    To be fair I’m not sure if that’s an issue of the DMP or my WiFi/iphone.
  17. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Member

    I had issues with dropouts with the DMP-A6 when using Wi-Fi. It was suggested that I try ethernet and the dropouts are totally gone. Luckily I had an ethernet cable already in place at my system rack so it was easy. It's odd as I have a multi mesh eero Wi-Fi system and that provides a very strong signal through out my house. So if you can try connecting an ethernet cable direct to your DMP-A6.
  18. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    Ive been plugged into an Orbi Mesh satellite from day one. And my wifi signals are great throughout my home, so that shouldn’t be the culprit. I don’t know what else it could be.
    Last edited: May 4, 2024
  19. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    Since you have such a mesh-wifi, the problem could be the automatic switch of nodes...
  20. Stopeter44

    Stopeter44 Member

    I would say it's your WiFi. I have an iPhone (14) , and I have never once lost the casting function, and sometimes, because of absence , I haven't used the DMP-A6 for days at a time. OTOH, I don't have a mesh sWiFi system I live in a terraced house, wood framed, which is 74 sqm (740 sq ft), so I only have a single WiFi source.

    Have you tried your DMP-A6 direct into your power amp ?

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