Feature Request: Poster Wall Label - DVD on ISO-files

Discussion in 'General Development' started by Zidooer, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. Zidooer

    Zidooer New Member

    Purchased my first Zidoo after a long time of researching different streamers that would playback a locally backed up library of different optical media and display them in a good way.

    After adding everything to Zidoo my DVDs were not indexed correctly with the right poster wall label. Quick google and I found that if the files are of ".iso" type HT will always display the poster wall label for blu-ray or UHD.

    I read that the only way to get it to display correctly is to extract every iso to the folder so it has the same folders and structure as the DVD. Why is this? Seems like we should be able to just add DVD to either the folder name or filename and have that override any filetype.

    This feature has probably been requested several times before, but after backing up my collection of a 1000 DVDs as ISO along side my Blu-ray and UHD collection I would love for all of these old movies to show up with the correct poster wall label and filter option just like blu-ray and 4k does automatically.

    Really hope to see this be added soon!

    Other than that I'm enjoying the product a lot! :)

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