Can a SofaBaton X1 control a Zidoo?

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by RasterEyes, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    I asked this question in a forum more specific to the Z10 Pro, but haven't received a response yet. Hopefully all Zidoo models use compatible remote control codes, so any experience with a SofaBaton X1 and a Zidoo will be applicable.

    After having sold our previous house, and the home theater along with it as part of the deal, I'm finally building a home theater in our new house.

    So now it's time to deal with an issue I've dreading dealing with: Getting a new universal remote control, one that isn't one of the sadly discontinued Logitech Harmony remotes (yes, you can still buy them, but I don't want to depend on a discontinued product).

    Nothing I've seen so far really thrills me, but it looks like the SofaBaton X1 could be an acceptable option.

    I haven't found a clear answer about whether or not it will control my Zidoo. I feel pretty confident about it being able to control my other equipment.
  2. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    I got the answer in another thread: Yes! Confirmed for both the Z10 Pro and Z20P.
  3. TK423

    TK423 New Member

    Long press for continuous scrolling through menus up, down, left, or right does not work.
    MrEd likes this.
  4. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    Funny that you mention this now, because I just discovered that same problem about an hour ago. Completion of my new home theater is being held up by delayed carpet installation, but I've been trying to get a lot of the set-up done beforehand. (My "screen" for now is a big white sheet hanging on the wall, because I don't want to risk having the carpet installers damage the real projection screen.)

    I also found, that when I tried to enter a username/password using the onscreen keyboard grid, many of the letters were coming out wrong, as if the selection button was being held down just a bit too long.
  5. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    I was able to fix the onscreen keyboard handling problem by learning the OK button, and using the learned version instead.

    That technique didn't help with the continuous scrolling much. The learned down arrow worked for a bit, then stopped working. I never got the learned version of up arrow working at all, for either a single step or continuous scrolling.

    The built-in up and down arrow functions don't work either. I have to use Channel and Channel -.
  6. TK423

    TK423 New Member

    I've found the remote overall to be an extremely frustrating product. Poor company support, nightmare to set up, inexplicable random issues. When it works it's pretty great, when it doesn't it's very irritating.
  7. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    Other than no-longer-manufactured Logitech remotes, are there decent real alternatives?

    I found something that looked potentially acceptable for about three times the price of the X1, not counting having to pay someone else to program it for you since it's not user-programmable (a limitation I will not put up with).
  8. TK423

    TK423 New Member

    The only other thing I've seen mentioned is the 'Remote Two' which is pre-ordering for $486.39 USD which is an obscene price I absolutely refuse to pay for a remote control.
  9. EmergentTaylor

    EmergentTaylor New Member

    I have it working with my Z9X Pro. Fairly painlessly. Mixture of bluetooth and irda learning. Only problem I've come across is the info button, when using the X1 to issue the code it seems to do some kind of double press so I can never really get any of the info displays to disappear once I push it the first time, have to go over to the included remote.
  10. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    So, for you, continuous scrolling by holding down the arrow buttons works?

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