Can a SofaBaton X1 control a Zidoo Z10 Pro?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by RasterEyes, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    After having sold our previous house, and the home theater along with it as part of the deal, I'm finally building a new home theater in our new house.

    So now it's time to deal with an issue I've dreading dealing with: Getting a new universal remote control, one that isn't one of the sadly discontinued Logitech Harmony remotes (yes, you can still buy them, but I don't want to depend on a discontinued product).

    Nothing I've seen so far really thrills me, but it looks like the SofaBaton X1 could be an acceptable option.

    I haven't found a clear answer about whether or not it will control my Zidoo Z10. I feel pretty confident about it being able to control my other equipment.
  2. AngryVirginian

    AngryVirginian Active Member

    Yes. It can control both my Z10 Pro and Z20 Pro.
  3. RasterEyes

    RasterEyes Member

    Good to hear. Thanks!

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