UHD 3000 is forcing all content as HDR

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by dxer, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. dxer

    dxer New Member

    Not sure what happend to my Zidoo UHD 3000, but since like 2-3 weeks , it is forcing all content as HDR, so my TV LG OLEDC9PLA is recognizing all content as HDR which means that brightness is 100% and all other seting are for HDR. Even only GUI of Zidoo is too recognized as HDR and is so bright.

    How can I fix this ?
  2. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Check in Settings ——> Display
  3. dxer

    dxer New Member

    Ok, but what to look for, what could be wrong there and I didn't change anything ?
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Go down to menu item HDR and then check the pane to the right and note which item is ticked. I use Auto that works for me. If it is on one of the settings that you can elect to use HDR on everything or DV etc Change it to Auto at the top of the list.
    I don't know why it would change, or if it has, others may chime in and comment. However its a fishing expedition really to see if anything has changed from defaults in your settings. Then the why question may be asked... my guess it's just a glitch of some kind.
    dxer likes this.
  5. dxer

    dxer New Member

    It is set to Auto from the first day I set this. So not sure why Auto not works anymore and all content is HDR.
    now I switched to Dolby Visio VS10 engine for HDR content, and I will try how this works.


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