Matching with imdb/tmdb/tvdb hints in filename?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Bob Lafleur, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. Bob Lafleur

    Bob Lafleur New Member

    I have a Zidoo box on order, and I'm looking forward to it, but I have a concern about how it is going to match all of my media, and if it doesn't work well, I'm not going to keep the box.

    I have a large movie/tv library which I currently use with Plex and Emby. All of my movies and TV shows use the matching "hints" in filenames, such as {imdb-tt123456} and {tvdb-123456}. The media servers ignore what's in the actual file name and match based on the code within { }. I set the file name of every movie or TV shows using this method when adding to the library, and I *never* have to go into the server's library matching mechanism to fix broken matches. If I decide to use another software system that follows this method, then I'm golden and everything will match 100% right out of the gate.

    But alas, I have not seen anything that gives me confidence that Zidoo will use these file name hints to find the right matches. Many of my file names are "close" to the actual title, but may not be exactly what imdb or TVDB has for them so I'm worried that I'm going to get a lot of mismatches. I don't have the time or desire to go through a large set of media and manually match them - that's why I take them time to add the hints to the file names when I first add them to my filesystem.

    SO - can anyone tell me if Zidoo will use these hints in { } ? Is there any possibility of supporting this in the future? It seems like it would not be a hard feature to add and would easily allow one to point Plex, Emby, and other servers, as well as Zidoo, all to the same set of media and have automatic matching without any hassles.

    Is there something I'm missing as to why Zidoo hasn't implemented this (unless I'm totally missing something and they have)

    Anxiously awaiting my new player...

    - Bob
  2. JohnG

    JohnG Member

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