Movies/Series soundtrack

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by dxer, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. dxer

    dxer New Member

    I tried to set soundtrack for movie but it is not working like I thought it would be.

    On Zidoo HDD I have made folders with my own categories and in the same folder there are many movies.
    So for example movie name is :

    and I named soundtrack:

    The problem is that this soundtrack plays for every movie in the same folder, so it seems doesn't matter how soundtrack is named as it plays for every movie in the same folder.

    Any idea how to fix this so every movie would have their own soundtrack ?

    Further more, how to set soundtrack for Series ?
  2. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Why are you putting multiple movies in one folder?.. Each movie should have its own folder. Then you can combine them any way you want after the fact with categories or widgets with the Zidoo..

    I don't use the soundtrack feature, but I would think that the fact that the soundtrack is playing for all the movies in your folder seems like it is working properly for how you have it set up. And why are you naming your movies with delimiters between the words of the title? I would think that could confuse the Zidoo scraper. It should just be "Forrest" or actually "Forrest Gump (1994).xxx" etc...
  3. dxer

    dxer New Member

    Not sure exactly what benefits are if each movie is using own folder. Can you be more specific ?

    If like you said each movie should have own folder then why soundtrack file or external title should be named as movie ? In this case it should fetch subtitles and soundtrack no matter which name they are using.
    But they obviously didn't programmed Zidoo this way .
    Doesn't make any sense to me that soundtrack is playing for all movies in the same folders while external subtitles named as movie title are only shown under this specific movie.
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Well by putting each movie title in it's own folder it's "nice and tidy" and there is less confusion for HT.
    Attached image of part of my collection and the contents of one folder. This works. folder.JPG Part collection.JPG
  5. lanz

    lanz Member

    For HT4, having one folder per movie is a strict mandatory ! Don't expect any correct results without it.
  6. dxer

    dxer New Member

    Currently I don't have any problems with all movies being in the same folder, they are recognized with suggested naming.
    Not sure what HT version I have (UHD3000).
  7. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Go to preferences then the bottom menu item About

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