Pre-purchase questions

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by dalemccl, Oct 19, 2022.

  1. dalemccl

    dalemccl New Member

    For many years, I've been using a very old Dune HD Smart D1 media player, along with Zappiti Media Player software to catalog movies and display a movie wall on the TV. I want to upgrade to a newer media player, and one of the Zidoo 1619DR models is what I think I want. So that I don't purchase one and then find out it won't do what I need, I have some questions I would appreciate if someone could answer.

    1. I don't want to manage the movie collections from the remote control, except for maybe a quick change. From what I can tell from reading here, I will be able to manage the movie collection, change settings, etc, using a web-based editor. There is no Windows application to be installed on the PC for this. Is that correct?

    2. Can I assign more than one category to a movie -- like Action and Comedy? Or add a category to a movie in addition to what is assigned by the database scan? Also I think I saw in a post here than I can create new custom categories, right?

    3. Is there a limit on the number of sources? I have movies on 10 hard drives connected to my PC so will need to add 10 sources (actually it's 10 drive letters on 4 large partitioned drives).

    4. I have a couple hundred videos that the Zidoo will not find a match for on IMDB or TMDB. These are home movies, videos downloaded from youtube, etc. When the Zidoo doesn't find them in a movie database scan, I assume I can edit each one to enter information to be displayed on the movie wall, right?

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2022
  2. stephen0804

    stephen0804 New Member

    yes that's correct, no windows app required just a web browser and you can change most settings via the web interface but not all i believe, as for managing the movies it works as advertised but i find it a bit janky and feels like an afterthought but it does get the job done also i haven't used the web interface since a couple of firmware updates ago so maybe it's better now.

    I'm fairly new to zidoo myself but I'm pretty sure it can do what your asking although I haven't got around to fiddling with categories yet i would have to check to be certain, im sure someone else will confirm this for you.

    no there isn't a limit from what i can tell, i have about 8 different network sources and it works fine. If you use network sources i found that if i have the Zidoo connected via wifi i get stuttering during playback about once every hour for a couple minutes but it's perfectly fine via ethernet but that is probably just down to my particular network setup.

  3. dalemccl

    dalemccl New Member


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