Homebridge Plug-in for Homekit compatibility

Discussion in 'General Development' started by Carlos Gamez, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. Carlos Gamez

    Carlos Gamez New Member

    I would to share the plug-in in created to control my Zidoo Z9X with my iOS devices. The name of the plug-in is homebridge-zidoo-androidtv.

    I added the following capabilities:
    1. Homekit remote control
    2. Power controls (Power on only works when the devices is connected to the internet with an Ethernet cable)
    3. Playback control
    4. Media details

    Please test the plug-in if you can and share any bugs or possible improvements.

    Google assist can also be used to control the zidoo devices if a google plug-in is installed in Homebridge.

    Thank you

    Attached Files:

    Sledgehamma likes this.
  2. Nils Hitschke

    Nils Hitschke New Member

    Hi, thanks for progamming the plugin.
    I want to integrade the plugin in the ham Controller in ioBroker a free smarthome software.
    I have installed the plugin and dropped the datas into it. But I doesn't receive the informations that i want.
  3. Carlos Gamez

    Carlos Gamez New Member

    Hello Nils,

    what is exactly the problem? The device is not responding to the controls? If that is the case, are you able to provide the logs?

    I will release a new versions of the plug-in with auto discovery soon, that might help in this situation.

    Also, this plug-in was tested with a Z9X and while developing it I noticed some of the commands had different syntax so probably I need to use the syntax version that is compatible with most of the Zidoo models.

    Let me know what you can so we can start debuting this issue.


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