Problem Listing Special Features for TV Shows vs Movies

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by spaceboi, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. spaceboi

    spaceboi New Member

    Hi All,

    Recently added the Z9X to my system and have begun the fun(?) task of ripping my discs to HDD (both movies and TV shows).

    I am wanting to add special features from TV Shows if they are included on the discs.

    However, only the episodes of each TV Shows appear on the season's page.

    For movies with special features, the (9999#name of extra) format is working beautifully, but using this format for TV Show with special features does not seem to work.

    Would appreciate any tips/tricks, as I was not able to any threads addressing this issue.


  2. Tim Brown

    Tim Brown New Member

    I am somewhat new to these forums myself, but if I understand your question, TV specials can be loaded into the poster wall as season 00. Both TMDB and TVDB list many (but not all) disk extras under season 00, so using a file name with S00EXX should do the trick. If it doesn't match automatically, you can do a re-match manually and get the desired season zero episode.

    I am not familiar with the "9999#" format you mention for movies. Can you (or someone else on the forums) elaborate on that a bit?
  3. spaceboi

    spaceboi New Member

    Thanks Tim.

    I'll give that a go.
  4. spaceboi

    spaceboi New Member

    This is the formatting i use for specific movies with extras.

    the number creates the order it will display on the movie page screen. and the text is the name that appears for that specific special feature.

    This is also really handy when you have both a theatrical cut and director's cut, extended cut, etc of a movie where you want all versions.
  5. Tim Brown

    Tim Brown New Member

    You are quite welcome.

    As an example, for my Star Trek original series collection, I have the original pilot named "Star Trek - S00E01 - The Cage" and the second pilot "Star Trek - S00E06 - Where No Man Has Gone Before". The episode numbers come from The Movie database. This results in a new poster in the season list labelled "Specials" with the two episodes under it.

    Thank for the info on Movie extras. Will give it a try.
  6. Jon R

    Jon R New Member

    @spaceboi does this naming scheme work for ISO files? For some reason its not working for me
  7. ckenisell

    ckenisell Member

    Matt, did you ever get this to work? I'm tryig to figure out how to do extras for TV shows. I have the movie extras down too. Just trying to figure out how to do it for TV shows.

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