Saving Poster Art

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by Dalton, May 8, 2024.

  1. Dalton

    Dalton New Member

    I had to delete all my poster art, and re-scrap. I did a reinstall as well. I have scanned my movies and TV's again. But, where is the information stored? Inside the Zidoo I'm sure. I am using the Z2600. I see under setting you can select different places to save. Custom folder, etc. All my movies and tv shows are on an attached external HD. Could I add a folder there? Then export them there? Would that be faster? Or use Priority save, in both places? If the poster art is stored in the Z2600....I would think that is faster...but how can I back that up, so if this happens again I don't spend days changing poster art? I can just copy that backup poster art folder back to the Zidoo! Thanks
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Just use "Export" in HT/settings/library then art and NFO files are saved in each movie folder.

    Then if you need to reset HT just rescrape with NFO & Local Art priority in settings/preferences.
  3. Dalton

    Dalton New Member

    Thanks for all your help. I backed up my posters. I can see them all in the TV and Movie folder of each film. So, if I need to restore...I can just back up from here? I made a seperate folder on the Hard Drive....just for the poster art. Can it be backed up there instead? One more thing, if I change poster art down the road....and do another back up, will it override the old art work...or create 2 different posters for the same movie? Thanks

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