Question About SSD Card Feature Performance

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A8' started by -dAtA-TRoN-, May 6, 2024.

  1. -dAtA-TRoN-

    -dAtA-TRoN- New Member

    Hey everyone, I'm new here and I have a few questions right off the bat. I'm currently considering purchasing a dmp-a8. One of the features that really interests me is the SSD card feature, which allows for local storage of audio files on the device. However, I recently watched a YouTube video that criticized this feature, not on the dmp-a8 directly, but on a dmp-a6. Without knowing if there are significant differences between how these devices handle this task, I'll assume there aren't. To get to the point: the YouTuber mentioned that the device struggles to display album covers of locally stored music quickly. This issue apparently exists both on the device and in the app. Unfortunately, the YouTuber's explanations were a bit vague, as the video didn't clearly indicate if it's a widespread problem or if it's specific to his situation, perhaps due to the device still indexing his music library in the background. I asked him this question among others in the comments, but he didn't address it in his response.

    So, my question to all of you is: Have any of you experienced these problems? Is it truly as bad as he portrayed it, or might he have overlooked something or be acting in bad faith?

    Thanks in advance for your responses.

    This is the video in question:
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
  2. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    The A8 and A6 work the same, when it comes to the internal music player.

    I have 1000+ albums ripped and stored on the internal SSD.

    If you scroll fast through the albums on the A8/A6 screen or in the app, it can lag behind, but I would not call it slow. As soon as you stop scrolling, it catches up and shows you the album art.

    I wouldn’t worry too much. This ‘reviewer’ is not exactly serious. This ‘review’ was pretty pathetic, if you ask me. I think, he just wanted some attention with this review.

    Eversolo could improve the internal player a lot, but it isn’t the speed with which it updates album art that I see as a big problem.
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
    -dAtA-TRoN- likes this.
  3. -dAtA-TRoN-

    -dAtA-TRoN- New Member

    Wow, a huge thank you for your detailed response. And yes, I also sense that this YouTuber wasn't entirely truthful in his review. It was evident that he had some ulterior motive for speaking negatively about the device. I'm inclined to believe he was simply trying to generate clicks, especially considering his video is the only one of its kind I've come across on YouTube, despite watching quite a few.

    Thanks again for your reply. I'll go ahead and order one of those A8 now.

    Greetings from Berlin, Germany.
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
  4. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    The reviewer would like buttons on the front to go directly to his fav radio channel or playlist. Sure, if you always listen to the same radio station or play the same playlist, then that would be a good thing.

    BUT it takes me max 5-10 seconds to start ‘Internet Radio’, choose ‘Favorites’ and pick one of my saved radio stations.

    Same thing with my own playlists, so I don’t really see the problem.

    I use an iPad which is much easier than using the Eversolo screen. iPhone app isn’t much slower (just smaller).

    The user interface on the Eversolo front screen isn’t perfect but having to spend even 10 seconds to start a radio station cannot really be called problematic.

    I love my A8. It’s not perfect but it does a very good job with most of the things i want - and the software updates keep on improving on it.
    -dAtA-TRoN- likes this.
  5. -dAtA-TRoN-

    -dAtA-TRoN- New Member

    This all sounds very promising, and I share the belief that there will be even more fantastic updates to come. After all, the last changelog was quite extensive.
  6. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    Yes, and I think the reviewer might have used a NAS for his music instead of the internal SSD.
    -dAtA-TRoN- likes this.
  7. -dAtA-TRoN-

    -dAtA-TRoN- New Member

    True, that would explain a lot.

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