Plex client for Zidoo devices - ZidooPlexMod

Discussion in 'Plex for Zidoo' started by bowlingbeeg, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. dav

    dav New Member

    So I read someone got zdmc working by inputing IP instead of server name.
    Now, playback in zdmc is working, I tried couple of files. No problem, phew!
    About Plex, still troublesome.
    It launches but it gets killed a few seconds after it starts.
    Still, you can hear the music! here is a vid.
  2. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Thanks for the video. Can you collect the debug traces for ZidooPlexMod(directions are in the first post). I'm not sure what ZidooPlexMod could be doing to kill the zidoo player but maybe the queries for status are causing problems. Hopefully the debug data will have something.
  3. limitz

    limitz Member

    Does it play in Zidoo internal player if you directly add that film?
  4. johnnyz

    johnnyz New Member

    I couldn't install ZidooPlexMod from the repo. Here is the error message "script.module.requests version 2.27.1+matrix.1 could not be satisfied". Any idea? Thanks a lot.
  5. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    It's saying it can't find that dependency. What version of ZDMC/Kodi do you have installed?

    edit: If you go to the kodi settings->system->add-ons->manage dependencies does it list the "requests" script? If so what version does it show? And if you click on it does it show as disabled?
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
  6. johnnyz

    johnnyz New Member

    I installed ZDMC 20.2 from your post on page 1.
    I couldn't find "manage dependencies" menu in kodi system setting. I attached two screen shots, one from the add on system setting, the other is the installation page for zidooplexmod

    20240507_215007.jpg 20240507_214920.jpg
  7. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    You're in standard mode, you need to be in Advanced or Expert mode to see that option. After you do that then check the "Manage dependencies" and see if that script.module.requests is listed in there. The other thing that might help is if you enable debug logging in the "Logging" section just under the "Add-ons" section. Then exit fully out of ZDMC, start ZDMC, try to install from the repo, then DM me the kodi.log file(/Storage/Android/data/com.zidoo.zdmc/files/.kodi/temp/kodi.log).
  8. chucky527c

    chucky527c New Member

    Sorry to take a step back to the topic of NFS for a moment, but I noticed an issue. I am using a Zidoo Z9X with firmware v6.4.65_G and running PlexToZidoo v2.6.

    I was having some performance issues with SMB, and after the recent PlexToZidoo update incorporating NFS, I figured I'd give it a shot. It works great for me, and solved all of my performance issues.

    Except one issue. For any file with certain punctuation in the filename, such as a comma or an apostrophe, although there is no error in debug menu, it will not play. I noticed that the substitution gets messed up (see example). I've also tested that some other punctuation, such as periods, exclamation points, and hyphens, work fine.

    When the same files with commas in the filename are played directly via NFS mount in Media Center, they play fine. So, it must be something in the way that PlexToZidoo recognizes certain punctuation when doing its substitutions. I'm hoping it's an easy fix (vs. having to rename all files with commas in filename).

    Attached Files:

  9. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Are you doing the substitutions in PlexToZidoo or the new support in ZidooPlexMod for the substitutions?

    If you're doing the path substitutions through PlexToZidoo then please try this new version, and see if that fixes things. If you're doing the path substitution though ZidooPlexMod then I still need some time to fix that.
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  10. chucky527c

    chucky527c New Member

    I was doing substitutions using PlexToZidoo not ZidooPlexMod. I haven't tried every possible edge case, but it looks like PlexToZidoo v2.7 seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you!
    bowlingbeeg likes this.
  11. johnnyz

    johnnyz New Member

    Thank you. script.module.requests is not listed in "Manage dependencies". But today, when I enabled the debug logging and tried to install the add-on again, everything works fine. There was no error any more.
  12. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

  13. Figa

    Figa New Member


    I'm trying to get this to work, but unfortunately, I haven't been lucky so far. I'm getting the error shown in the pictures. I'm using the original Plex client on the latest Zidoo beta.

    Thx for the help!

    Attached Files:

  14. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Your first picture is really blurry so it's hard to tell exactly what it says but I think it's saying it can't find the plex library. Did you change the "Plex library name(s) to include" option in PlexToZidoo?
  15. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Just pushed version 0.3.9 to the bowlingbeeg.kodi repo. Lots of changes in this one. Here are some of the highlights
    1. There is now support for using "watched" indicators(aka the green checkmark) instead of "unwatched". The default is now "watched" but you can change it back to "unwatched" in the Plex settings. On the home screen go to your user id->Main->Use modern inverted watched states. You can also load your own image for the "watched" indicator. See the PM4K thread for more details, link is below
    2. Lots of new settings for spoilers. You can obfuscate unwatched episodes(title and/or picture). There are a few settings in the Plex settings. On the home screen go to your user id->Main->No TV spoilers
    3. You can now hide and re-arrange your libraries right from the gui. Just click on the menu button on the remote when a library is selected and you can hide or move it. Since this is now built into the gui I am removing support for the customlayout.xml file that I added. So after upgrading that will not work anymore and you'll revert back to the default order of libraries. Please use the gui to set things up how you would like them.
    4. There were some performance improvements that you should hopefully notice.
    For a full list of changes check out the post here:
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  16. Creator44

    Creator44 Member

    Hi @bowlingbeeg ,

    Since the update your plex for zidoo does not seem to resume movies and always restart at the beginning even when I say resume when I start the playback.

    I have the latest version of the PM4K on Kodi 21 on my Nvidia Shield Pro dans the resume function still works.

    Can you test it out to see if you have the same problem and if so fix it please?

    Thank you!
  17. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Yes, the resume feature works for me. Are you using the path mapping in ZidooPlexMod? If so then you need to also make sure you're on the latest version(2.7) of the PlexToZidoo app. If you're not using the path mapping in ZidooPlexMod, can you turn on the debug option in the PlexToZidoo app and post a screen shot of the debug window that's displayed after you select a movie.
  18. Creator44

    Creator44 Member

    Yes I'm pretty sure I'm using that path mapping thing I need to check and remember how to update that. Did it change recently? I though the path mapping was a necessity for ZidooPlexMod to work anyway so it can find the files through SMB?
  19. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Yes substitution is required but there are two ways to do it. Originally it could only be done through the PlexToZidoo app. But as of a couple of ZidooPlexMod releases ago you can now do the substitution right in Kodi(it's called path mapping). You still need PlexToZidoo either way but if you're using the new support in Kodi then you need the latest PlexToZidoo. It sounds like that's probably not the case here but it's still a good idea to update PlexToZidoo to rule out any incompatibilities.
  20. Creator44

    Creator44 Member

    I updated PlexToZidoo to 2.7 (I was on 2.4) and resume now works! Thanks!

    Yes "Enable Path Mapping" was ticked (ON) and I was on latest ZidooPlexMod because it's on auto-update from your repository but I completely forgot about PlexToZidoo app and it was still on 2.4.

    If path mapping is included in ZidooPlexMod, why do we still need the PlexToZidoo app? Just to put the infos on substitution?

    My guess is with 2.5+ of PlexToZidoo you update the .xml in ZidooPlexMod at the same time as in the PlexToZidoo app itself so that's why the zidoo player works both with or without enable path mapping ticked.

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