New version 1.2.50/1.2.80 for DMP-A6/DMP-A8 release

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by mirror, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    That Settings sub menu inside Music, Eversolo have described it in a document to be found on their main Web site, under Support, then All, called Eversolo Streamers Music Library User Guide. The second half of the document describes the Play, Scan, Display, General features.
  2. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    Yes. This one:
    Gil Fuhrer likes this.
  3. DanneS

    DanneS New Member

    I have alot of problems with this version when using SMB.
    I copy my albums via SMB from a Windows 11 host using robocopy to an internal NVME drive in the DMP-A6 Master.
    Been working perfectly, but since this version I get timeouts and aborts on the network (I haven't changed anything else).
    I have no problem running the same copy to an external USB-drive on the Windows 11 host or to other devices on the network.

    Hope this is something you can fix? I can update this post to see what the error msg is on the windows cmd prompt.
    If I go to settings on the DMP / Network / SMB and stop the service and restart it I can map the drive again to the Windows 11 host.
  4. Libattery

    Libattery New Member

    My dac doesn't support MQA.
    So I set the Dac setting to "mqa not supported".

    However, the same mqa song plays at different bit rates on Tidal and Tidal connect.

    For example, "Within" by Daft Punk plays at 44.1 kHz when played with the Tidal app and 88.2 kHz when played with Tidal connect.

    Please check it out.
  5. surr3a1

    surr3a1 Member

    Wow, they finally fixed the exposed non-final FW versions in the repo. These are no longer visible to the public so no more speculations with that. Good move!
  6. Libattery

    Libattery New Member

    I add 2 pictures.
    Same song.
    Just Tidal in-app or Tidal connect.

    You can see 44.1 / 88.1 at right bottom corner of screen of RME adi-2 pro(upper box).

    Attached Files:

  7. Mister L

    Mister L Active Member

    If you look at the details in the display you will see, that the title is one time streamed in the "old" MQA - look the picture! and one time it`s streamed in the new format on tidal called "max".
    I think display in eversolo lies - display in RME shows the right sample rate. I noticed the same "issue" in my setup where eversolo shows for example 192 and RME shows 44.1
    When I checked the title in Audirvana I saw RME telling the truth and eversolo lies.

    Edit: I nearly use the same setup as yours. But the Adi.2 Dac FS.
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    Libattery and octavius like this.
  8. octavius

    octavius Member

    Same here! It is mess.
  9. Chromazone

    Chromazone New Member

    No firmware update, I wonder, in the first months frequently, what,s happening?
    Webkemmi and Inti like this.
  10. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    Matild, blackie, zipe and 4 others like this.
  11. betula

    betula New Member

    It is a natural occurrence with every product. As time passes, there is less and less to fix, improve or update.
    Alan Rutlidge likes this.
  12. surr3a1

    surr3a1 Member

    Are you talking in general or for this product in particular, because there are a lot of things to be fixed here!
    Uwe, Mister L and octavius like this.
  13. betula

    betula New Member

    When I say, 'every product', I mean in general.
    What would you fix? (There is a new fw coming out soon.)
  14. surr3a1

    surr3a1 Member

    I've written this too many times already, several things are simply not working!

    1. Switching from Tidal to Spotify (from iPhone apps) causes no sound from the device at all - the biggest problem so far! (valid also for this .68 version)
    2. Internet radio is now gone and I can't seem to find a good free replacement which I like
    3. When typing there is no way to hide the keyboard so sometimes you can't press the actual Submit button and you're pretty much stuck

    1. There is no fast way to go home from the phone Control app which in many cases makes you tap 5-6 times on the back button - super irritating and slow
    2. The text size when the display is with album art is too small and the only screen with big text doesn't have album art, so you have to choose between these two but can't have both. There should be a way to increase the text size on the album art screen.

    Last edited: May 24, 2024
    Uwe, Fr Visser and Inti like this.
  15. YVES.R

    YVES.R New Member

    Version V1.2.68 ??
  16. Inti

    Inti Active Member

    Internet radio is now gone and I can't seem to find a good free replacement which I like Please put the old Internet Radio back again I use it all the time
    Fr Visser likes this.
  17. Fr Visser

    Fr Visser New Member

    Internet radio please back.
    Inti likes this.
  18. GeNeRiKz

    GeNeRiKz Member

    1. Disappearing track infos on screen
    2. HDMI "silent" handshake (to avoid noisy quarks when switching to HDMI audio)
    3. UPnP playing bugs (last track loops endlessly)
    4. UPnp in 24bit (limited to 16bit now)
    5. Better iOS app to navigate folders
    6. File sorting by name is wrong (1-11, 1-12, 1-01, 1-02, ... instead of 1-01, 1-02, 1-03, ..., 1-11, 1-12)
    7. Some missing English translation (dmp_play_sp_msg pop up)

    All issues were reported directly to EverSolo 3~4 months ago with screenshots, video captures and test cases.
    Uwe likes this.
  19. surr3a1

    surr3a1 Member

    It's the latest internal version available on the repo but of course, you can install it at your discretion.

    Get the RadioDroid or SimpleRadio app I have installed here. You could also try the Open Radio but I find the other two to be better.

    If you install the Aptoide app on the device, you can install all apps directly from it and save yourself a lot of hassle!

    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  20. Birdybird123

    Birdybird123 New Member

    Music apps also available in music streaming so you dont have to cast to go there.... In the app

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