Hi, i tried to update X1 II with firmware provided by your website. Seems that X1 II is not detected by Factory Tool v1.39. I tried 3 cables, also 1 cable that work for X1 (old version). What is the correct procedure ? Is bootloader disabled ? Please provide OTA firmware not img.
Hi,Adl 1.Using the “double sided usb male cable” connect to your USB/OTA of the Zidoo X1II.(Near the power) 2.Use a pin and push it into the Box back “RESET” hole and hold it there. 3.Connect the power, about 5 seconds after release the “RESET” button thanks
Hi Please update also version in X1 II guide: Zidoo X1 II Flashing Tool (v1.39) or http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?attachments/x1-iifactorytool_v1-41-rar.898/ Old version is 1.39, Attached version is 1.41