I had a vague feeling I'd seen a different version of the Zidoo REST API than this one: https://www.zidoo.tv/Support/developer/flag/video.html ...and I even found that I'd been using one of the calls (GET Poster/v2/getVideoInfo?id=xxx), but I was having a hard time tracking it down until I invoked just the right google-fu. https://apidoc.zidoo.tv/s/98365225/Gmwqxawu/qYXwzF9t This appears to be only in Chinese, but fortunately is pretty readable using Google translation. Is this the API way of the future? I recently proposed some changes to the old API, but perhaps that should be considered frozen as-is, with any updates that may happen happening in the v2 API?
Definitely interested in this as well. I have now "reverse engineered" a lot of the calls the Android/iOS app makes and there is a lot more than what is in the apidoc.zidoo.tv document. I have an email with their support but they are now off for Chineese New Years so it will be after Feb that I can hear back on that.