In terms of the quality, or otherwise of their products? Just look at their measurements, PS Audio not great, having said that they hired an external engineer for their loudspeaker designs and they aren’t bad just expensive for the level of performance. All on ASR if you care to look and learn to understand what measurements mean. Keith
They are after all electronic components and thus entirely characterised by their measurements, it’s not a question of sugar and spice and all things nice. Keith
I clicked on this loudspeaker review, lots of words couldn’t see any measurements? Keith
He does measure various things at times for example, he reviewed and did measurements for the Marantz Av10 I have. I think good measurements can guide people to want to spend the time and demo the equipment. If there are bad ratings based on measurements then not so much.
Measurements simply show how well engineered a component is, the more interesting question is, just how much distortion ( anything not on the original signal) do you have to add before it actually becomes audible. There are some pretty poorly designed dacs in the ASR list but ‘most’ are audibly transparent. Keith
A 25yr old person will probably hear more than a 60 yr old. I think we lose the higher frequencies as we get older.
It's not that hard: just watch/listen, and with an objective mind you'll realize yourself how the soup is being stirred...
When its implied its audibly transparent meaning no distortion does not mean that all devices/components sound the same. The differences between some components has become marginal (Dacs) but never the less a sonic difference is discernable. As is suggested double blind is worth doing if the difference is illusive. Although the streamers in both Eversolo devices may sound the same there will be an audible difference between both components run using preamp and Dac as a package as designed and price. Facebook Eversolo groups have opinion's on differences and other issues. Some to be taken with a grain of salt but worth checking out.
No, if the component isn’t adding anything audible then they will sound identical with the only possible difference being the choice of reconstruction filter. Keith
I just got the A8 and started my testing between it and the A6ME gen1. Streaming over toslink: So far the A8 sounds fuller to me with my system. More mid to lower end boost. Just started with a couple of songs, DSD64 and 96k using Roon. Easier to switch back and forth. Analog is a little more work as I have to switch the XLR cables between the units. Again my setup: Eversolo>>Marantz Av10 (pre/pro)>>Amps>>Speakers More to follow....
I've owned an Oppo 205 as my main preamp/dac for 8 years and recently bought the A8 as a replacement. Both measure incredibly well on ASR's scale and yet sonically its easy to tell the difference between these two. Eight years of improved circuitry, chips, components and power supply. Implementation of all these to optimise efficiency make a difference. Going forward one might expect to this gap to disappear but who knows.
It doesn’t really matter which components are inside, ultimately it is the unit’s measurements that are important . If the Oppo does sound different ( and to determine this you need to level match to .1dB and test unsighted) then that would be evident in its measurements. Oppo gear measured pretty well if I remember correctly. Keith
In fact, for those who do not hear differences between A6 - A8 - A10 an audiometric test would be a must to dispel any doubts Well, so there are differences, as is the opinion of all those who really listen and make serious comparisons. My shopkeeper is right but I had no doubts. Measurements are read, devices are listened to.
Just cognitive bias because no-one ever compares with any ‘controls’ if they did they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Remember if the sound has ‘changed’ this will be evident in the measurements. As to your shop well salesmen sell. Keith
Serious salespeople give serious advice and don't want to lose customers. You can rip off the customer once but then you lose him. Of course, many, with the excuse that the measurements say it all, make people believe that less expensive devices sound the same and even better, obviously easier to sell a device that costs little than a more expensive one. Fortunately, the fish hardly bite anymore, people listen and inform themselves well. A8 sounds better than A6 point there's little you can do, whether you like it or not.