Hello, I found a small problem while I changed my NAS. I copy all my files from the old one to the new one without a fuss. I used the library section of HT 5.0 to backup my posters and individual settings. When I copied the *.ztb file to the new NAS and tried to restore, it didn't do anything. Of course when I tried to restore since the old NAS, all worked perfectly. So I tried to figure what must I do to change NAS and restore my Home Theater ?
You didn't follow the correct procedure for changing out your sources... Once you copied all your files to the new NAS, you should have browsed to that new NAS network location and added it as your new source.... or added all your new source locations. But, do not let it perform a scan! Instead select the option to sychronize this new source with your original NAS / source/ sources. Once that is complete, then you can delete the old source location from your Zidoo
Thank you very much ! I'll do that asap. Update : everything is working fine. Once again, thank you !