Help box stuck

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X8' started by haim, Jan 26, 2021.

  1. haim

    haim New Member

    Problem boot device do restart all the time. I wanted to reset I failed I wanted to update firmware failed.

    Now it's stuck with a caption up monitor..
    There is also no TV screen display gone..

    How do I fix this? Who can help me explain to me what to do? Thanks :)

    Sorry if my English is not clear I do not speak English
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
  2. szefo

    szefo Active Member

    Try to install the emergency method:[ld]3ulg==.html

    You have to download the software (install-ZIDOO_X8-v1.4.12-201708191533-USB.img rename to install.img)
    Download ota software (Extract files: rescue.emmc.dtb , rescue.root.emmc.cpio.gz_pad.img , , emmc.uImage)

    Then copy 5 files to USB drive: rescue.emmc.dtb , rescue.root.emmc.cpio.gz_pad.img , , emmc.uImage , install.img

    1.You must have all the files from the X8 software.
    2.Connect usb.
    3.Do not press the reset button.
    4.Connect the power supply.
    5.The installation process should start.
    6.Do not move anything in 10 min.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    dr4go likes this.
  3. kaweechart ko

    kaweechart ko New Member

    szefo . thank you so much. it work !!!!

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