Will the A8 ever be RoonReady ?

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A8' started by Andre.Gosselin, Apr 21, 2024.

  1. Andre.Gosselin

    Andre.Gosselin New Member

    The post title says it all. The A6 was RoonReady from the start, the A8 still is not.
    Any response from the Zidoo devs ?
  2. Ecki

    Ecki New Member

    Roon readiness: we can speculate on and on, but to be honest -and this is my very personal opinion- i don't care a single second...
  3. multisport4me

    multisport4me Member

    Yet you felt the need to spend several minutes to read and reply to a thread titled,
    "Will the A8 ever be RoonReady ?"

  4. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    Certification is still in progress.
  5. multisport4me

    multisport4me Member

    Thanks mirror. This gives me hope. :)
  6. snafu

    snafu New Member

    I've been holding off upgrading from the A6 for this reason. Seems strange since the A6 is already certified, the A8 should be a piece-of-cake?
    Jerry Bokko likes this.
  7. Jerry Bokko, Bergholdt and snafu like this.
  8. snafu

    snafu New Member

    Jerry Bokko likes this.
  9. Jerry Bokko

    Jerry Bokko New Member

    oh lord just pulled the trigger on A8, using as a streamer. Was hoping it would be quick as A6 was already Roon Ready
  10. Jerry Bokko

    Jerry Bokko New Member

    Looks like I can't post photos here so I'll post email. Today two moderators with Roon a Carl and some Rimmer guy (does he know what that means) took exception to what you posted here thebiglebowsk.
    I have removed my name and email as they are unique and pretty easy to Google.

    From: system via Roon Labs Community <no-reply@roonlabs.com>
    Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 5:43 PM
    [Roon Labs Community] [PM] Flagged post removed by staff

    system Roon Staff
    May 9


    This is an automated message from Roon Labs Community to let you know that your post was removed.

    Your post was flagged for moderator attention: the community feels something about the post requires manual intervention by a staff member.

    This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it.

    EN">Read in Zidoo forum person doing certifications for Roon walked out.
    Please review our community guidelines for details.
    So I have often thought Roon was smoke and mirrors hiding most of its problems yet here you post proof while they hide it (Roon Staff).

    While I love the Roon product their moderators. Hmmm.
    To get Roon working with A8.
    On screen touch streamers category, scroll to bottom. Tap the Squeezeconnect app.
    A8 screen should display IP and Roon server name.
    Tap on line with your Roon server it should change to connected.

    Start or switch to Roon Remote on another device, select (gear) Settings, under Audio there should now be a Logitech category, enable your a8. Now most people just stop here put on music and enjoy.
    If you are a tweaker or nerd.
    Access settings I have DSD strategy set to PCM. My DAC does native not DSD over PCM DOP v1. select if your dac supports. look at manufactures forum or website.
    My DAC doesn’t support MQA. Select relevant settings. Again check manufacturers resources. Keep in mind your streaming service needs to support MQA as well.
    Now I used fixed volume because I have a preamp and remote. Experiment with variable but would start with both volumes low. I left variable off because I found a slight difference in sound. Do like clicking sound. Several people agree including dealer.
    Now under advanced I disabled PCM compression the ones I made aren’t compressed. Experiment.
    Max sample rate, my DAC safe to set 192k, investigate on manufacturers website.
    I disable MQA decoder as it limits Roon to 24/96. Don’t believe you need that on if DAC supports MQA. Don’t use it, so experiment. Unless you are using a stereo system capable of 5.1 or better, multichannel down mix to to stereo. Don’t forget to save your settings.
    This is based on the Logitech Squeezebox system/ protocol. you will find your metadata and album art don’t work. Once in Roon App you will still see that Info. I turned the screen to VU.

    With this setting I find Roon rock is less stable it can crash once in a day or two. If using Roon server at another stereo power down A8 when done.
    Dog likes his tunes, big Dave Matthews fan...

    Great product Eversolo keep up the good work.
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
  11. Ah yes "Ace Rimmer" who was clearly bullied at school and is now on a power trip as a roon moderator.

    I think he was aiming for the Red Dwarf character but his lips are so tightly glued to Roon's arse that the other usage is more accurate.
  12. Jerry Bokko

    Jerry Bokko New Member

    Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    Was a great product, Roon radio today started with Louis Armstrong, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, at that point I switched to Apple Music on the A8.
  13. Search, Roon radio, metadata, iOS volume, Sonos, stability have all gone down the toilet as Roon are solely concentrating on getting ARC working for the Samsung car entertainment software (it was how they hooked or enticed Samsung)

    There are faults that have been ongoing for years and years yet the moment something is reported for ARC it is looked and a fix is made available within days via early access.

    After 9 years I ditched Roon in April after they refused to allow me to log a support case. Danny Doolally banned me after I had the temerity to disagree with him and said that ARC was a security risk (that could be fixed quite easily)

    I literally have an email from Roon support telling me that despite having 6 months left on my sub they would not investigate my fault or allow me access to support (or give me a pro-rate refund)

    Rather than employ support staff they use other forum members (normally weirdos fanboys who start every post with “just a fellow user here but……” and then blame everything but Roon)

    Also not forgetting that Roon allow their staff and moderators to actually change/edit your posts on the forum. They have gone into people's posts and changed the wording (in many cases to be less critical of Roon)
    Last edited: May 28, 2024 at 7:46 AM
  14. Jerry Bokko

    Jerry Bokko New Member

    I have a Unifi Dream Machine. Have security turned on. The minute I opened a port in Firewall for Roon Arc I started getting 5-6 hacking attempts a day. Few were successful but not actually into my network but a honeypot. Anyway have tried to report this several times in Roon Community, posts are hidden or deleted. Deleted is fun as I use emails of what happens and send to Samsung. Eventually they will figure they were sold a lemon.

    Probably take it out on Zidoo for letting us post here.
    I have to wonder what country does Roon operate from they seem to behave in a manner that suggests freedom of speech is optional. Seems there are also no concerns for their clients home networks getting hacked.

    Glad I have Qobuz and Apple Music operating from my A8 they both seems to be much better then Roon Radio at playing random songs based on your playback history.
  15. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    After this company merging thing I feel like they are definitely not giving a f***; neither about improving the platform, nor about all the existing customers.
    For those paying yearly the choice is easy: stop foraging big mama. For those lifetime-subscriber the things are going to be more frustrating. Shame, SHAME.

    Roon if a fantastic piece of software. Nevertheless, do not forget that you can listen to your music EVEN WITHOUT IT. Yes, you can.
    Just do it (c)
    bogdanozaurus likes this.
  16. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

    There must be good news within two days.
  17. Tidad

    Tidad New Member

    Oh GOD I hope so...the daily "why isn't this Roon Ready" garment rending gets to be so dramatic.
  18. zavrus

    zavrus New Member

    I think 1.2.83 does this support - I tried it, Roon sees Eversolo as Roon Ready but with exclamation mark that it's not yet certified
  19. What is even more shameful is roon admitted that internally they have markers next to your avatar to identify if you are a trial, subscription or lifetime user. I assume that is so they can target support problems i.e if you are lifetime you go to the end of the list as they've already had your money but if you are a trial user they want to fix them quickly.
    Nutul likes this.
  20. Mathias

    Mathias New Member

    Would be nice to try 1.2.83 also. Where can I get it?

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