Review and need-to-know Eversolo DMP-A6 streamer

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Nice Monkey, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    No it cannot. You can upsample local files to 192 kHz max PCM though.
  2. GeNeRiKz

    GeNeRiKz Active Member

    No, the DMPs do not convert PCM to DSD.

    No point really doing so and it's CPU intensive.
    Nutul likes this.
  3. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    You are talking doing PCM => DSD for output? It won't do that and native DSD via HDMI is limited to DSD64. A ONKYO HF Player (FW 2.7.0) will do it for you (at least in the paste it did).

    There are PC programs that can do it. Use XRECODE3 for any conversions which is an excellent program with a low onetime cost (including any upgrades next).
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2024
  4. Drumgail

    Drumgail New Member

    I appreciate the input from my earlier post, in my setting up of my system that I had purchased, I am going out of the Eversolo DMP-A6:

    For my Playback I have read and watched videos so much about using this chain from Denafrips/Vinshine:

    Stereo - Eversolo>USB>Denafrips Hermes DDC>I2S>Denafrips Pontus 15th DAC> RCA/XLR out into my Marantz 8804A Preamp (Do I put Marantz into Pure/Pass Through mode to bypass Marantz DAC?)

    I will try it without the DDC and the I2s connection...but many have said it was the way to go.

    Multichannel - Eversolo>HDMI>Marantz 8804A Preamp (someone said to go into my Oppo 205 before going into the Pre-amp) I tried it but felt I was missing the low end.

    Overall I didn't get a great satisfaction on first listen....I probably don't have things set up right....with the I2S, it has to be configured right and this is played in my 13.1 Atmos home theater room setup, so its probably not that great for critical listening, I am using M&K S300 speakers with SVS Subs....Maybe I need a burn in period, I will chip away at getting it dialed in better.
  5. GeNeRiKz

    GeNeRiKz Active Member

    Even Denafrips told me to skip I2S and use USB for best stability.

    Skip all the extra gears, I explained in a previous post (#375) why it's probably pointless.
  6. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Active Member

    I have a Pontus 15 due on Tuesday for a bedroom system. I honestly do not see the need for DDC. Not familiar with the Marantz 8804A but using Pure mode would be advised. Not sure if that option would bypass the 8804A's DACs though. Maybe check the 8804A manual to see if that is clarified.
    That's an option to use the I2s connection between the DDC and the Pontus 15.
    I would go HDMI out direct to the 8804A. Why even put the 205 in the signal path. I have HDMI out of my DMP-A6 to an HDMI input of my Emotiva XMC-1. I have an Oppo 203 but would not consider running the signal through it.
    You could try removing the DDC from the system to see if that is better. I would suggest an analog preamp with a home theater bypass input. With a dedicated preamp the analog signal from the Pontus 15 would be untouched. You'd be adding another component but it's well worth it. I've been using a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE in my main system for years. There's a lot to be said for a direct signal (no processing at all) for stereo music listening.
  7. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    No, all meta data attached via the header of the actual music file.

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