DTS, DTS-HD, DTS-X Lipsync

Discussion in 'HDD 8K Media player(AML S928X)' started by Markswift2003, Oct 9, 2024.

  1. khollister

    khollister Member

    I did upgrade to 1.1.70. No sync issues so far but have only watched a few films since.
  2. khollister

    khollister Member

    So I watched Hatari last evening (new 4K UHD with DTS-MA 5.1 mix) - lip-sync was off at the beginning and no amount of stopping/starting fixed it. Interesting thing is it seemed to get better as the film played. Checked with Infuse and sync was perfect from the beginning.

    I'll see if this repeats today
    gymnos likes this.
  3. Sanosuke76

    Sanosuke76 New Member

    Uhd 8000 with second HDMI output to Anthem mrx510 and in DTS there is a slight delay between audio and video (firmware .60)
    The worst thing is the frequent video disconnections with dolby vision films though.
    Let's hope it gets resolved with some firmware.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
    gymnos likes this.
  4. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    Still out of sync on my setup with FW 1.1.70. I honestly haven't checked in a couple weeks because I've stuck with Emby on my ShieldTV because it just works. Sucks I can't really use my new Z3000 though...

    My setup:
    Z3000 (video output) --> LG G4
    Z3000 (audio output) --> Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1

    I had a UHD3000 for years and never had this issue.

    Edit: I just watched something via Emby on my Shield, which was perfect. Continued on the Z3000 (Emby) and audio was borked immediately after staring.... Back to the Shield I go.
    gymnos likes this.
  5. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    So upgrade to the latest firmware 1.2.01
  6. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I'm still getting DTS sync issues on 1.2.01.
    gymnos likes this.
  7. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    Stupid question. Do you have a link to the non-G for the Z3000?
  8. audiom3

    audiom3 Member

    I found the FW but it was not easy. I have no idea why Zidoo makes it so difficult to DL beta FW. Either way, none of the problems relevant to my box have been fixed with 1.2.01.
    gymnos likes this.
  9. losinka

    losinka New Member

  10. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    yea same here, DTS audio sync is still an issue….
    gymnos likes this.
  11. Sanosuke76

    Sanosuke76 New Member

    I confirm that there are still problems in DTS.
    gymnos and blenky like this.
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Can I just confirm that those who still see DTS sync issues have the following settings:

    1. Global Audio Offset > ZERO (Context Menu/Advanced/Audio Offset)

    2. Settings/Audio/Pass-through Compatible Mode > OFF

    And particularly projector owners have any Auto Lipsync function on their receivers turned ON.

    (also, projector owners, remember that any EDID manipulation device - eg HDFury - between the receiver and the projector will affect Auto Lipsync if Latency is not correctly defined in any custom EDID you use)
  13. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    Yes to 1 & 2
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  14. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Yes for 1 and 2.
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  15. Sanosuke76

    Sanosuke76 New Member

    For me too, yes to 1 and 2
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Thanks guys - so another question - any problem with TrueHD/TrueHD Atmos (I assume no, but want to double check)?
  17. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    No - only DTS - all flavours
  18. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    The same here...

    But last night I was watching 'Spy Game 2001' which is a 1080p mkv rip with DTS-HD audio and the audio was in sync but the video had micro stutters every now and again throughout the movie...so sometimes the issue isn't consistent with all DTS audio tracks.

    I did a lot of testing on the DTS audio sync stuff and its so hit and miss, sometimes its fine and sometimes it isnt - so that's why I've stayed largely quite on it...but it is still a real issue as I never got any of these issues on the Realtek Z1000 Pro
  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I guess I was hoping for a silver bullet here - maybe someone saying, Oh crap, yeah, I had a delay set...

    So on the basis of the above I'm no further on understanding this.

    On my test setup (Zidoo > Vertex2 > Denon 7200 > Samsung TV) I have Audio Offset zero and Compatible Mode Off and no delay set in the amp and all codecs are in sync.

    In the cinema it's Zidoo > Vertex2 > Denon 8500 > JVC Projector. Again Audio Offset zero and Compatible Mode Off but the Projector has 195ms latency defined in the EDID because of DTM etc so the Denon is set to Auto Lipsync - which isn't rocket science - it just delays the audio (all audio) by the amount defined in the EDID - but that's after the amp, so the Zidoo has no bearing on that whatsoever.

    I know the Vertex 2 can't affect audio sync like this, but as belt and braces I also just tested without the Vertex2 in line - so Zidoo > Denon > Samsung TV and again no issue with DTS, DTS-HD or DTS-X. I also tested TrueHD to make sure that wasn't a vector and again, no issue.

    So my settings and setup are for all intents and purposes identical to anyone elses - I can't see any variables - so what's inducing the delay?

    Another thing I know can't (or shouldn't!) affect it is EDID, but again as belt and braces can someone try the attached EDID (it's my main test EDID which supports TV/Player Led DV, HDR10+ and all audio formats) and see if it by chance makes a difference.

    I know it can't because when testing without the Vertex, so using the amp's EDID, everything was in sync, but it's another tick.

    (note that colours may be off in DV because it uses BT.2020 primaries - although LGs should be fine as they target BT.2020 as near as dammit)

    Attached Files:

  20. Sanosuke76

    Sanosuke76 New Member

    No, the Dolby tracks work perfectly.

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