Suggestion for HT2 - better segregation of Movies and TV?

Discussion in 'ZIDOO Z9S' started by blenky, Jan 21, 2019.

  1. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I'm really impressed with HT2 and has improved in the short time I've had my Z9S.

    One thing that bugs me though is the inability to have a TV and Movie wall. All scrapers I have ever used allow you to add a source and designate a type - either TV or Movie. Ht2 does have a filter for TV but the other filters are rather hit and miss.

    Could you consider adding this into a future release. Ideally the option to enter a TV or Movie wall at start up?

  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Agreed - one of the reasons I only use the Z9S for 4K rips and leave 2K rips to the Dune Pro is the inability to segregate groups of movies or movies and TV series.

    I know you can use filters to do this to a certain extent, but that's not the same as having dedicated groups.

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