New firmware v1.0.45 for ZIDOO_X6 Pro release

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by warren_wh, May 10, 2017.

  1. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    no news. Questions remain unanswered also for me.
  2. zidoobug

    zidoobug New Member

    ziddo products garbage.have beelink minimax"never has problems
    nice159 likes this.
  3. wardog73

    wardog73 New Member

    Any one knows why i can play dvds anymore? I hade no problems some firmwares back. Have not done anything in the setting so i should all be the same as Before but last night i could not start any dvds at all in zdmc. Pleas help someone.
  4. Leoben

    Leoben Member

    nice159 and dimtris like this.
  5. Denethor

    Denethor New Member

    Finally with the firmware 0.45 the x6 pro works well...

    The Streaming progresses smoothly and never Youth and lag.

    In the Italian language there are various mistakes

  6. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Yes, confirm.
    But in this case Zidoo havent asked people to help in translations, as was for X9S.
  7. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    @Denethor please share some more X6 "Pro" experience with us.
  8. dimtris

    dimtris Member

    Please share some more things
    I have a bunch Iptv links good ones nothing is going through what I'm doing wrong
  9. Bogdan

    Bogdan Member

    Hi guys! Is there somewhere an official response from Zidoo on a possible update to KODI 17.3? As things are appearing now, we are moving fast to throw our boxes to thrash. Zidoo, please invest a little in keeping your customers satisfied. Otherwise, your perspectives on the market may be dramatically affected since there are boxes with lower prices offering much more.
    hoodafukisalice likes this.
  10. Rene Veen

    Rene Veen Member

    Bye Bye Zidoo.
    After very disappointing support for this X6 box i finally give up.
    I just bought an Amlogic s912 box with android 7.1 on it and i'm very happy.
    Kodi 17.3 w0rks very well on this box. And this for only 58 euros.
    Never again a Zidoo product for me.
    I trashed the old box. I don't want anyone else to have these headaches from it.
  11. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Rene Veen, you haven't reported which box you bought to avoid censorship?
  12. Rene Veen

    Rene Veen Member

    H96 pro plus. I don't care about censorship. I am done with Zidoo.
  13. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    @PacoRabanne yea that's your MAJOR CONCERN funny guy!!!
    hoodafukisalice likes this.
  14. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

  15. Leoben

    Leoben Member

    Where did you buy it, Banggood or Aliexpress and 3GB RAM / 32GB ROM?

  16. nice159

    nice159 Active Member

    Better than OVERPRICED ZIDOO SHIT DEVICES with no support and fake contributors.
    pascal likes this.
  17. Rene Veen

    Rene Veen Member

    Banggood H96pro+ 3gb ram and 32 gb rom with android 7.1
    Works like a charm.
    Also bought one for a friend of mine
    It has amlogic s912 on board

    There is also a H96 max but that has Rockchip on board
    For me no more Rockchip
  18. pascal

    pascal New Member

    Why theres no respond of the Zidoo x6 problems ???
    Because they want us to buy another box and solve all .
    Not Nice people of Zidoo!!
    Just give us a new ZDMC based on kodi 17.3 .
  19. pascal

    pascal New Member

    Now i m going for the Nvidea Shield tv, what a great machine
    hoodafukisalice and nice159 like this.
  20. There's no way we're going to buy another Zidoo box after this experience!
    nice159 likes this.

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