HT 4.0 Not Scraping Properly

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by JohnG, Feb 10, 2023.

  1. JohnG

    JohnG Member

    I'm running Firmware 6.4.42 and HT 4.0 on the Z9X. Several movies that properly scraped/identified suddenly vanished from the poster wall. I can run them from the Explorer/File Manger. I attempted to re-match with zero success, though I verified the titles on TMDB. Next, I decided to clean up and rescan the Drive. Previously, 51 of 61 titles correctly matched. After a rescan, only 21 of the 61 titles match. I've attempted to rematch manually, but can't re-match from any of the 3 data bases shown. Is there a new version of HT 4.0, or has Firmware 6.4.42 messed upon the HT? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  2. JohnG

    JohnG Member

    Anyone? Is HT 4.0 Broken? Will clearing all data and rescanning help?
  3. AngryVirginian

    AngryVirginian Active Member

    What are examples of file names that are unmatched? Those will give us clues on how to help you.
  4. JohnG

    JohnG Member

    Thanks for offering to help! I'm trying a workaround via the Web App and rematching with IMDB. I'll post how it works out. Initial trials worked.
  5. JohnG

    JohnG Member

    After re-matching several titles via the Web App and using IMDB identifier numbers to make the "match", things somehow sorted themselves out. I write "somehow" because a series of titles that previously were in the Unmatched folder, and which I did not manually re-match via the Web App...MATCHED! I didn't use magic pixie dust, re-install (re-image) the Z9X, or any other changes beyond manually re-matching 4 or 5 titles. Yesterday morning, I had over 70 titles that were un-matched. I wish I knew how this happened, but I'll use the Web App from now on when I add a title and want it to appear on the Posterwall. Note: all the titles previously "un-matched" were always visible and playable via the Media Center (file manager). Thanks again for offering to help.

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